Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Religious Discrimination’ Category.


Two New Jewish Discrimination Lawsuits Filed in the United States

The Jewish population in the United States continues to face religious discrimination as two recent cases reveal.

October 20th, 2023

In the modern era, most religious lawsuits that capture public attention involve the Christian faith. Examples include lawsuits over abortion, same-sex marriages, and other issues that may clash with conservative Christian values. However, many religious lawsuits involve the Jewish faith, and these legal issues deserve our attention as well. Although the Jewish population in the Read More

Southwest Airlines Lawyers Ordered to Undergo “Religious Liberty Training”

An Orthodox Jew Is suing JetBlue after the airline kicked him off the plane for refusing to sit next to a woman.

October 17th, 2023

It should come as no surprise that different judges may rule very differently in religious rights cases. Some may attempt to balance the rights of various religious and non-religious perspectives, while others may be very enthusiastic about defending religious freedom for conservative Christians. Whatever the case may be, decisions are almost always guaranteed to spark Read More

The Supreme Court is Taking a Postal Worker’s Religious Discrimination Seriously

Over the past few months, an average USPS worker has been in and out of the news and the courts due to religious discrimination.

September 15th, 2023

Over the past few months, an average USPS worker has been in and out of the news – and the courts. Although his refusal to work on Sundays might seem like a trivial matter, it has gained the attention of the Supreme Court insofar as it involves religious discrimination. Furthermore, it could affect the way Read More

Oklahoma Approves First-Ever Religious Charter School

Florida recently implemented a new school chaplain program, but defined religion in such a way as to exclude non-theist religions.

June 22nd, 2023

The separation of church and state is a contentious issue throughout the United States, and this debate has led to several important legal decisions over the years. The Constitution states that America should not have a national religion, and this means it cannot offer preferential treatment to any particular religious teaching. It also means that Read More

Religious Nonprofit in Santa Ana Punished for Feeding Homeless People

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

June 14th, 2023

Almost everyone can agree that feeding homeless people is a good thing. After all, these are people who have little to nothing of their own. Regardless of whether you are religious, there is a moral obligation to help those in need, and this is exactly why one group in Santa Ana decided to take it Read More

Student Forced to Remove Her Eagle Feather

A Native American student is suing her former high school after she was forced to remove an eagle feather during her graduation ceremony.

June 7th, 2023

The United States is home to many religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and many more. But perhaps the “original” religion of the United States is best represented by Native American culture. Native Americans occupied the land long before the European settlers arrived, and they are still engaging in their traditional cultural practices to this day. Read More

Muslim and Christian Parents are Working Together

Muslim and Christian parents filed suit against their kids' school for not allowing them to opt out of lessons on gender and sexuality.

June 1st, 2023

Christians and Muslims have not exactly seen eye-to-eye over the years. After all, there was that whole business about the Crusades. More recently, tensions have been stirred up by conflicts in the Middle East, terrorist attacks, and so on. But it is important to note that there are certain things that Muslims and Christians agree on, and Read More

Student Suspended for Quoting the Bible

There is a fierce debate in many religious communities about LGBTQ issues, and the United Methodist Church is certainly no exception.

May 26th, 2023

The assumption is that when you send your child to school, they will be free to speak their mind. Schools – and especially colleges – are supposed to be places where new ideas can flow freely. These are places where intellectuals debate interesting ideas and challenge each other’s philosophies. As long as a student’s speech Read More

Another Worker Sues for Being Forced to Work on Sundays

Defining reasonable accommodation and undue hardship are necessary prerequisites to understanding religious accommodation laws.

May 19th, 2023

You may recall that just a few weeks ago the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of a postal worker who was apparently forced to work on Sundays – despite his religious views. This case has the potential to mark a significant change in US employment law, and the verdict could send shockwaves Read More

Boston’s Flag-Raising Program Does Not Constitute Government Speech

While America is not a Christian Nation from a constitutional standpoint, the drumbeat of those arguing otherwise is getting louder.

May 12th, 2023

In another Supreme Court case that was decided last year, the court unanimously found that the flag-raising program in Boston does not constitute government speech and thus the city’s refusal to fly a Christian flag violated the organization’s First Amendment rights. In the case Shurtleff v. Boston, the court further abandoned the Lemon Test discussed Read More