Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Religious Discrimination’ Category.


The Supreme Court Will Debate Religious Discrimination

Lawsuits are making their way to court after Louisiana and Oklahoma separately mandated religious education in public schooling.

May 9th, 2023

The Supreme Court has agreed to debate the question of religious discrimination in the workplace, stemming from a lawsuit filed by a postal carrier who refused to work on Sundays. The outcome of this debate could change the way American workers are treated, and this could have an impact on anyone else who wants to Read More

Maine’s Taxpayer Funding Lawsuit Explained

In Maine, a new lawsuit has been filed against the state for limiting religious exemptions for schools that receive taxpayer funding.

May 3rd, 2023

Many parents choose to send their children to religious schools for obvious reasons. During the early years of our life, we spend more of our waking hours at school than at any other place – especially if we stay after class to engage in extra-curricular activities like sports or clubs. The truth is that many Read More

Christian Mom Sues Oregon over LGBTQ+ Adoption Approach

An woman in Oregon is suing the state over its LGBTQ+ adoption policy, arguing that it discriminates against her Christian beliefs.

April 26th, 2023

You may be aware that states have varied political ideologies. While the monikers “red” and “blue” often do not tell the full story of these various states, there are sharp dividing lines forming across the United States. One such line involves LGBTQ+ children. Should they be supported and embraced regardless of how they choose to Read More

Is the “Lemon Test” for Religious Law still Relevant after Kennedy v. Bremerton School District?

The concept of undue hardship in religious discrimination lawsuits has shifted thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

April 21st, 2023

The First Amendment is clear when it comes to religion, and there are two provisions that cover the intersection between religion and free speech. The first is the Free Exercise Clause, and the second is the Establishment Clause. But while the wording is clear, the decision of whether to apply these provisions to any given situation is Read More

The “Weird Churches” of America – Should They Be Protected?

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

March 24th, 2023

Since its inception, the United States has been a haven for religious freedom. No matter what you believe, you are supposed to be able to practice your religion in this country without fear of being discriminated against. But how far do these protections really go? And perhaps more importantly, are all religions treated equally in Read More

Supreme Court Shrugs at Controversial Florida Prayer Vigil

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by a Florida town of a lower court's ruling allowing a lawsuit to move forward over a prayer vigil.

March 21st, 2023

Like it or not, many aspects of American culture are inevitably linked with Christianity. The ties between our society and the Christian faith run very deep, and they have been around since the founding of this nation. So when a Florida town hosted a Christian prayer vigil to honor fallen children in a mass shooting, Read More

Man Arrested for Holding Pro-Christian Sign in Public

A man was arrested in Georgia after publicly holding a pro-Christian sign to raise awareness about homeless veterans.

March 8th, 2023

The First Amendment is an important foundation of American democracy. But what happens when people decide to publicly state their adherence to one particular religion? You would think that in a country that supposedly values free speech, this would not be an issue. But in the case of one homeless veteran, simply holding a pro-Christian Read More

This Mail Carrier Was Reprimanded for Refusing Work on Sundays: Now He’s Suing

Over the past few months, an average USPS worker has been in and out of the news and the courts due to religious discrimination.

February 22nd, 2023

The practice of not working on Sundays is known as Sabbatarianism, and it is practiced by a wide range of Christians. These include Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Quakers, Baptists, and many others. Like many aspects of Christianity, various groups have their own unique views about the Sabbath and how it should be observed. In the past, Read More

Could Missouri’s Abortion Ban Be Overturned?

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

February 10th, 2023

Abortion is always a complex topic to discuss – no matter which side of the debate you find yourself on. It seems clear that some people will never agree on the outcome of Roe v. Wade or its recent overturning. While some states have continued to allow abortions, or even moved to expand abortion access, others have Read More

Refusing the Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate Due to Religious Reasons: Was Anyone Successful?

How did religious exemptions from the vaccination mandate hold up in court nearly two years after the vaccination rollout?

January 13th, 2023

When the vaccine mandates first rolled out, you may have heard vague rumors about religious exemptions. This always seemed like a distant possibility for most, and the general assumption was that if you petitioned to escape the vaccination mandate due to your religious beliefs, you would be denied. This is certainly what many people experienced, Read More