Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘LGBTQ discrimination’


Evangelical School Sued for Firing Trans IT Staffer

A trans IT staffer was recently fired by Liberty University after she decided to disclose her gender identity.

December 10th, 2024

Conservative Christians and many other religious individuals often reject viewpoints promulgated by trans people and trans activists. Progressive ideas on gender and sexuality have long been rejected by traditional religious groups, and this has led to numerous lawsuits throughout the United States. Some might argue that these two different philosophies will never find common ground, Read More

Texas Judge Still Suing After Refusing to Marry Gay Couples

A Texas judge is suing a state commission after being sanctioned for refusing to perform same-sex weddings.

November 1st, 2024

One of the most well-known aspects of the Universal Life Church (ULC) is the ability of its ministers to officiate weddings. Combined with the relative ease of becoming a ULC minister, this makes it an obvious way for LGBTQ couples to marry with help from their friends and loved ones. The motto of the ULC, Read More

Colorado Baker Wins Second Religious Lawsuit

The Colorado baker at the center of one of the most famous LGBTQ legal cases has won a second lawsuit allowing him to discriminate.

October 25th, 2024

One of the most famous legal cases in recent memory was Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. This lawsuit dates back to 2012, and it involves a Colorado baker refusing to create a custom cake for a gay couple. Although the baker initially lost the discrimination lawsuit, he successfully appealed to the Supreme Court Read More

North Dakota Doctors are Free to Refuse Certain Treatments to Trans Individuals 

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

April 2nd, 2024

American doctors often find themselves at the forefront of religious lawsuits – and for obvious reasons. The freedom to refuse or provide treatment based on religious belief is one of those legal “grey areas” that has confounded the highest courts for decades. What is more important? The right of the patient to healthcare or the Read More

Biden Administration Stops Pushing Gender Transition Care Mandate

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

July 12th, 2023

The intersection of medical care and religious care has always been somewhat contentious. However, the medical world has a long history of involvement with various religions. The Knights Hospitallers gained fame during the medieval period for building hospitals throughout the known world while also participating in religious and military crusades. Nuns and other religious organizations Read More

Religious Bookstore Files Lawsuit Over Pronoun Usage

A Catholic bookstore is suing over a non-discrimination ordinance it claims will force it into specific pronoun usage it disagrees with.

June 30th, 2023

Pronoun usage is an issue that has only come to the forefront within the last decade in the United States, but it is already proving to be a controversial subject. There are many debates wrapped up in this issue, including those surrounding free speech, religious expression, and more. Although atheist and agnostic people have voiced Read More

Maine’s Taxpayer Funding Lawsuit Explained

In Maine, a new lawsuit has been filed against the state for limiting religious exemptions for schools that receive taxpayer funding.

May 3rd, 2023

Many parents choose to send their children to religious schools for obvious reasons. During the early years of our life, we spend more of our waking hours at school than at any other place – especially if we stay after class to engage in extra-curricular activities like sports or clubs. The truth is that many Read More

Christian Mom Sues Oregon over LGBTQ+ Adoption Approach

An woman in Oregon is suing the state over its LGBTQ+ adoption policy, arguing that it discriminates against her Christian beliefs.

April 26th, 2023

You may be aware that states have varied political ideologies. While the monikers “red” and “blue” often do not tell the full story of these various states, there are sharp dividing lines forming across the United States. One such line involves LGBTQ+ children. Should they be supported and embraced regardless of how they choose to Read More

Christian Adoption Agency Wins $250,000 Settlement

A Christian adoption agency in New York won a lawsuit against the state over its refusal to serve same-sex and unmarried couples.

March 29th, 2023

Across many religions in the United States, adoption is seen as one of the most selfless things you can do. If you have the ability to take on a child who has no parents, it can be an extremely life-altering decision. Both parents and adopted children can gain a sense of togetherness while contributing to Read More

Colorado Baker Refuses to Bake Cake for Transgender Transition Celebration

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

March 15th, 2023

One particular baker has once again become intertwined with legal questions about religious rights and the First Amendment. In 2012, a same-sex couple tried to have this baker make them a cake for their upcoming wedding. The baker refused, and ever since then, this individual has been fighting numerous lawsuits against LGBTQ folks who want Read More