Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘gender pronouns’


Religious Bookstore Files Lawsuit Over Pronoun Usage

A Catholic bookstore is suing over a non-discrimination ordinance it claims will force it into specific pronoun usage it disagrees with.

June 30th, 2023

Pronoun usage is an issue that has only come to the forefront within the last decade in the United States, but it is already proving to be a controversial subject. There are many debates wrapped up in this issue, including those surrounding free speech, religious expression, and more. Although atheist and agnostic people have voiced Read More

Kansas Teacher Terminated After Using Inappropriate Gender Pronouns

The Michigan state senate voted to condemn an LGBTQ training session for Michigan educators that it claimed was threatening parental rights.

May 10th, 2022

A school instructor in Kansas was recently suspended after she declined to call a student by their preferred gender pronouns. The instructor argues that calling the student by their preferred gender pronoun would have violated her Christian beliefs. More specifically, the teacher’s federal lawsuit claims that the school district violated her constitutional rights and failed Read More