Universal Life Church Case Law
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ULC Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘religious accommodation’


Why the Eclipse is Triggering Religious Lawsuits in the United States

A recent religious freedom lawsuit filed by prisoners in NY state argued it was unconstitutional not to allow them to view the solar eclipse.

April 12th, 2024

Throughout time, countless religions have focused on sun worship. When you consider the qualities of our local star, this should not come as a major surprise. Known as “Sol” by astronomers, the sun is the brightest object in our sky. It is also an essential driver of life on Earth. Without it, humanity and all Read More

North Dakota Doctors are Free to Refuse Certain Treatments to Trans Individuals 

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

April 2nd, 2024

American doctors often find themselves at the forefront of religious lawsuits – and for obvious reasons. The freedom to refuse or provide treatment based on religious belief is one of those legal “grey areas” that has confounded the highest courts for decades. What is more important? The right of the patient to healthcare or the Read More

Orthodox Jew Sues JetBlue After Being Forced to Sit Next to a Woman

An Orthodox Jew Is suing JetBlue after the airline kicked him off the plane for refusing to sit next to a woman.

March 28th, 2024

Different religions have different views about women, and this often proves to be one of the most controversial subjects in American society. While some religions view women in virtually the same way as men, others view each gender in a much more distinct light. There may be specific rules regarding women that do not apply Read More

Prayer Breaks: Are They Legitimate?

Prayer breaks have been in the news recently as more employees are suing to be granted this religious accommodation.

February 7th, 2024

Some individuals pray numerous times each day in the United States, and some argue that they should be provided with breaks from work in order to perform these religious duties. This issue is raising a number of religious, legal, and constitutional issues in the nation. How many breaks should religious employees receive each day to Read More

New Jersey Bill Would Limit Vaccination Exemptions

A same-sex couple in Kansas has been denied the right to be listed on their child's birth certificate due to discriminatory intent.

June 28th, 2018

  New Jersey law requires school children to receive numerous vaccinations when they reach a certain age, but there are exceptions for parents who want to avoid a vaccination for religious reasons. Some physicians have commented that this loophole in current law is too expansive and can seriously harm children. In response to these concerns, Read More