Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘religion’


New EB-4 Visa Changes Could Force Religious Workers to Leave

New immigration changes regarding the EB-4 visa are putting religious workers' employment in a precarious position.

September 24th, 2024

Immigration and religious rights rarely intersect, but there are a few exceptions. One of these exceptions became clear when a group of religious workers sued the U.S. Government due to new visa rules. These religious workers claim that the recent changes may force them to leave the country, with some sources referring to it as Read More

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusions

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

July 5th, 2024

Although religious beliefs may cause conflicts in many aspects of life, medical procedures can prove especially problematic. If a religious belief prevents a patient from accessing care, doctors must ask themselves important questions about their own professional oaths. Does a patient’s autonomy override the doctor’s duty to provide effective care? When is a patient allowed Read More

What is the Definition of an “Undue Hardship” in a Religious Discrimination Lawsuit?

Defining reasonable accommodation and undue hardship are necessary prerequisites to understanding religious accommodation laws.

April 16th, 2024

As an American worker, you may be aware that your employer cannot discriminate against you for religious reasons. If you request an exemption to certain workplace requirements due to religious reasons, your employer may be legally obliged to respect your faith. The word “may” is very important in this context since US employers can avoid Read More

Russia Refuses to Return Jewish Manuscripts

It was recently reported that the Biden Administration was facing a lawsuit over its alleged role in the genocide of Palestinians.

December 12th, 2023

The conflict in Ukraine has highlighted numerous religious tensions across Russia, Ukraine, and the West. It began when elements of the Ukraine military were accused of blatant Nazism – with many soldiers of the Azov Brigade proudly wearing swastikas and other far-right symbols on their uniforms. Controversy ensued when Ukraine hid precious relics associated with Read More

Can You Legally Start Your Own Religion in the United States?

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

December 8th, 2023

What is the legal definition of a religion in the United States? When you strip away the ideology and tax benefits, religion is simply an organization of people who agree to come together and follow certain rules. With this simplistic view, an obvious question often arises among so-called non-believers: Why can’t I create my own religion and Read More

Kentucky School Removes “Prayer Lockers”

A high school in eastern Kentucky’s Pike County has announced its decision to remove prayer lockers from its hallways after receiving complaints.

October 23rd, 2019

A high school in eastern Kentucky’s Pike County has announced its decision to remove a prayer locker from its hallways after receiving complaints.

Religious Freedom in the Constitution: Original vs. Amended

In August of 2024, it was reported that an IHOP worker had received a settlement of $40,000 after filing an employment lawsuit.

November 30th, 2018

In modern day constitutional discussion, there is typically no argument about whether the Constitution protects individuals’ freedom to engage in the practice of religion regardless of which religion it is.  However, the discussion typically focuses on the First Amendment to the Constitution and not the original Articles.  Did the framers discuss religion, and if so, Read More

The Great Debate: Religion and Contraception


June 22nd, 2017

There are few subjects that are more polarizing than the debate over the legality and use of contraception. It is for this reason that any decision from the country’s highest authority will be highly anticipated and then greatly debated itself. Knowing a  little history of the controversy surrounding contraception use in the United States can Read More

Religion and Millennials: Are the Lines of Religion Blurring in the United States?

Open Bible with glasses on top

April 1st, 2016

There are few people who would deny that the first Europeans to travel to the land that would become the United States of America were fiercely religious. They believed so strongly that their way of life was the correct one that they fled persecution in their homelands to find ground where they could plant roots Read More

Friday Night Lights: Prayer in Football

A U.S. District Court judge ruled against a praying coach who received national attention when the coach’s school prohibited him from praying on the field.

March 29th, 2016

Many cases have passed through the American court system that contribute to what we understand to be the current state of First Amendment jurisprudence. These cases together form a structure that is supposed to provide guidance to us as citizens, both lawyers and nonlawyers alike. It is also a part of American culture to question Read More