Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘LGBT Rights’


Supreme Court Chips Away at 14th Amendment in Dobbs Ruling

In August of 2024, it was reported that an IHOP worker had received a settlement of $40,000 after filing an employment lawsuit.

April 6th, 2023

In probably the most momentous decision pertaining to constitutional rights of the past half-century, the Supreme Court last year ruled that the women have no right to an abortion and overruled 50 years of precedent on this matter. In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the 6-3 conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court found that Read More

Christian Adoption Agency Wins $250,000 Settlement

A Christian adoption agency in New York won a lawsuit against the state over its refusal to serve same-sex and unmarried couples.

March 29th, 2023

Across many religions in the United States, adoption is seen as one of the most selfless things you can do. If you have the ability to take on a child who has no parents, it can be an extremely life-altering decision. Both parents and adopted children can gain a sense of togetherness while contributing to Read More

Colorado Baker Refuses to Bake Cake for Transgender Transition Celebration

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

March 15th, 2023

One particular baker has once again become intertwined with legal questions about religious rights and the First Amendment. In 2012, a same-sex couple tried to have this baker make them a cake for their upcoming wedding. The baker refused, and ever since then, this individual has been fighting numerous lawsuits against LGBTQ folks who want Read More

What is Title IX? Is it Putting Religious Schools in Peril?

Title IX is in the news after LGBTQ students failed to convince a judge that the law protects them from discrimination at religious colleges.

January 20th, 2023

The history of education and religion in the United States are heavily intertwined, and religious schools have always fought for the ability to teach their own religious doctrines free from governmental interference, including most recently, the role of Title IX. The first schools in the nation were Christian, and they were established by groups such Read More

The Respect for Marriage Act Explained

The U.S. Senate delayed a vote on the Respect for Marriage Act to protect same-sex marriage until after the midterm elections.

January 10th, 2023

In December 2022, the House voted 258 to 169 and the Senate voted 61 to 36 in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act. Not only did enough senators vote in favor of this act to overcome a filibuster, but it received the most votes of any pro-LGBTQ legislation in history. Indeed, many view this Read More

Governor of New York Signs Bills Strengthening Support for LGBTQ Seniors

LGBTQ Seniors in New York state will now have greater access to services including mental and physical care, low-cost meals, and caregivers.

December 9th, 2022

Obtaining access to mental and physical care, low-cost meals, caregivers, and other types of support is now easier for LGBTQ seniors in the state of New York. New York’s Governor Hochul signed a regulation into law, which makes New York the most recent state to increase the offering of its services to individuals over the age Read More

Supreme Court Poised to Hear Another Same-Sex Wedding Case

A woman is challenging an anti-discrimination law that would require her to provide a creative service for a same-sex wedding, thereby violating her beliefs.

December 2nd, 2022

The United States Supreme Court’s fall term will include a same-sex wedding case that will test the limits of religious liberty once again. The Court will consider whether a woman in Colorado can be required to provide services for a same-sex wedding even though she says it violates her religious beliefs. The woman is a Read More

California Prohibits State-Funded Travel to Five States That Recently Enacted Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

LGBTQ Seniors in New York state will now have greater access to services including mental and physical care, low-cost meals, and caregivers.

November 22nd, 2022

In response to House Bill 1084, California’s government has prohibited all state-funded travel to Georgia. 1084, which was recently passed in Georgia, bans transgender women from playing on athletic teams that match the gender with which they identify. In addition to prohibiting travel to Georgia, California has similarly prohibited state-funded travel to several other states, including Read More

Michigan Legislature Passes Resolution Against LGBTQ Training Session

Religious parents are suing their school district in order to opt their children out of sexual orientation & gender identity education.

November 18th, 2022

A dispute regarding an LGBTQ training session in which Michigan teachers were taught how to help LGBTQ students has led to requests that Michigan’s superintendent resign. Training from Michigan’s Department of Education instructed teachers how to discuss a student’s suicidal thoughts with parents without potentially outing the student, and having the student guide that process. Republicans Read More

Senators Postpone Vote on Respect for Marriage Act

The U.S. Senate delayed a vote on the Respect for Marriage Act to protect same-sex marriage until after the midterm elections.

November 15th, 2022

A bipartisan group of Senators voted to delay a bill that would guard the right to both interracial and same-sex marriage. Instead of voting on the measure, Chuck Schumer, who is the leader of the Senate majority, postponed a vote on the legislation until after the midterm elections. It was recently announced that the senate Read More