Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘Catholic school’


Court Issues Decision Following Firing of LGBTQ+ Teacher

An Indiana appellate court issued a ruling in a case initiated by a man who was fired from his job as a teacher at a Catholic high school.

January 11th, 2022

An Indiana appellate court issued a ruling in a legal proceeding initiated by a man employed as a teacher at an Indiana Catholic high school following his termination. The teacher was fired from Cathedral High School because he was in a same-sex marriage, which sparked a debate about the rights of LGBTQ teachers in Catholic Read More

US Supreme Court Hears Two Critical Religious Rights Cases

LifeWise Academy requested that Hilliard City Schools in Ohio let students choose to receive religious programming at off-site locations.

May 27th, 2020

Two recent cases (Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrisey-Berru and St. James School v. Biel) heard by the United States Supreme Court have dealt with the role of religious rights in this country. Both of these cases question if two Catholic school instructors qualify as “ministers,” and whether employment discrimination laws are therefore applicable. Read More

U.S. Supreme Court to Dive Deeper Into Church and State Laws

The process to start your own religion in the United States is actually quite straightforward if you set your mind to it.

January 29th, 2020

The Supreme Court recently announced that it will examine the laws related to the required separation between church and state when the court examines two Catholic school teacher terminations in 2020. This lawsuit involves the combined cases of two California Catholic school teachers who claim they were victims of job discrimination following their termination. How Read More