Universal Life Church Case Law
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ULC Case Law
1629 K Street NW, Ste 300
Washington, D.C. 20006

Tampa Ban on Counseling for LGBTQ Minors Struck Down

A Tampa ordinance prohibiting counseling for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion was recently overturned by a federal court.

November 13th, 2019

A Tampa ordinance prohibiting counseling for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion was recently overturned by a federal court.

Michigan AG Files Motion to Stay Decision on Same-Sex Adoptions

A same-sex couple in Kansas has been denied the right to be listed on their child's birth certificate due to discriminatory intent.

November 8th, 2019

Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel recently filed an emergency motion in the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan to stay the preliminary injunction permitting adoption agencies to refuse adoptions to same-sex couples while the state pursues an appeal. This action comes after a federal judge previously halted Michigan’s same-sex adoptions rules Read More

Georgia Man Pursues LGBTQ Case in US Supreme Court

The Idaho Governor recently signed two anti-trans bills into law, becoming the first state this year to take aim at the transgender community.

October 30th, 2019

In the last several decades, LGBTQ individuals in the United States have seen tremendous victories that greatly advanced their rights in this country. Some of the decisions that helped advanced these rights include the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn sodomy laws in 2003, extend benefits to same-sex couples in 2013, and to legalize same-sex marriage Read More

Kentucky School Removes “Prayer Lockers”

A high school in eastern Kentucky’s Pike County has announced its decision to remove prayer lockers from its hallways after receiving complaints.

October 23rd, 2019

A high school in eastern Kentucky’s Pike County has announced its decision to remove a prayer locker from its hallways after receiving complaints.

Minnesota Circuit Court Allows “Christian Beliefs” Case to Advance

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

October 15th, 2019

A federal appeals court in Minnesota recently revived a lawsuit initiated by a Minnesota couple that challenges a Minnesota state law requiring equal protection of the law for LGBT people in regards to services rendered. This law meant the couple might have to film same-sex weddings since they own a video production company. As a Read More

Supreme Court Poised to Hear Landmark Religious Funding Case

Oklahoma considers a bill that would permit fining teachers if they provide opposing views to the religious beliefs of students. 

October 11th, 2019

In the case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the Supreme Court is poised to hear a case that will address the question of whether states can be forced to underwrite religious education with taxpayer funding. Although courts have previously allowed the government to adopt school-voucher programs that provide indirect government funding to religious Read More

Same-Sex Couples Initiates Lawsuit After Daughter Denied Citizenship

A same-sex couple in Maryland recently initiated a federal lawsuit to challenge the US's refusal to recognize the citizenship of their daughter.

October 8th, 2019

A same-sex couple in Maryland recently initiated a federal lawsuit to challenge the State Department’s refusal to recognize the United States citizenship of their daughter, who was born in Canada earlier this year through the use of a surrogate.  The lawsuit claims that a State Department policy discriminates against same-sex married couples and unlawfully treats Read More

Washington Student Athletes Advance Religious Liberty Rights

Two student athletes in Washington initiated legal action against a sports association for forcing them to choose between their religion and their sport.

October 2nd, 2019

Unlike many other Christian-based beliefs, Seventh-Day Adventists attend church on Saturday and believe this day to be the holiest day of the week, rather than Sunday. In addition to going to church on Saturdays, Seventh-Day Adventists treat the day as a time of rest, which put two student athletes in a bind. In respect of Read More

Dayton, Kentucky Becomes a “Cool City”

One member of a same-sex couple in Alaska was recently denied her 2019 Permanent Fund dividends because of an outdated law prohibiting same-sex marriage.

September 27th, 2019

The Dayton City Council recently adjourned in applause after the city passed an ordinance to protect LGBTQ individuals. This ordinance includes a regulation that protects against discrimination based on a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation in issues of employment and housing. Unfortunately, the ordinance acknowledges some exceptions when a person is not required to Read More

Huntington Beach City School District Revises Religious Expression Policy

In a religious rights case coming before the Supreme Court, the conservative majority will most likely further entrench government support of religion.

September 24th, 2019

As an effort to resolve alleged student constitutional rights violations, the Huntington Beach City School District agreed to revise its religious expression policy addressing the dissemination of religious materials on campus. The decision came on July 30th when the school board unanimously voted to require specific religious activities be mentioned in the school’s policy addressing Read More