Universal Life Church Case Law
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ULC Case Law
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Families Initiate Legal Action After West Virginia School Holds Christian Assembly

In August of 2024, it was reported that an IHOP worker had received a settlement of $40,000 after filing an employment lawsuit.

March 22nd, 2022

Parents and students recently initiated legal action against a school district in West Virginia after the school permitted a preacher to conduct a Christian assembly during school. Some students were even required to attend this assembly. The lawsuit was filed after 100 students walked out of their classrooms at Huntington High School. They chanted slogans Read More

Michigan Resolves Same-Sex Adoption Lawsuit Involving Catholic Charity

Citing a recent Supreme Court decision, Michigan will revert to contracting with adoption agencies that decline to offer same-sex adoption.

March 18th, 2022

Relying on a United States Supreme Court opinion favoring a Philadelphia Catholic foster care agency, child welfare workers in Michigan recently announced that they will revert to contracting with adoption agencies that decline to offer same-sex adoption. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services resolved a lawsuit with St. Vincent Catholic Charities, which is Read More

State Regulation Eliminating Religious Exemptions Upheld by Court

A Catholic woman was recently awarded $13 million after she was fired over her vaccine refusal during the height of COVID-19.

March 16th, 2022

A court recently ruled in favor of a state regulation that removes religious exemptions for students of both private and public schools when it comes to state vaccine requirements involving communicable diseases like COVID-19. The New Regulation on Religious Exemptions The new regulation requires immunizations for all children before school enrollment. Before 2021, students could Read More

LGBTQ+ Advocates Urge FDA to Remove Gay and Bisexual Blood Ban

A group of senators recently urged the FDA to lift the blood ban for gay and bisexual men amid an ongoing shortage of blood.

March 11th, 2022

A group of senators led by Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin recently requested that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) remove the blood ban on gay and bisexual men who want to donate blood. The Contents of the Letter  In the letter, the senators state that for the first time, the country’s primary blood donation entities, Read More

Vaccine Policy Blocked Due to Religious Objections

More religious vaccine exemption lawsuits are coming down the legal pipeline.

February 11th, 2022

A judge for a Texas federal court in January, 2022, ruled against a vaccine policy for military members. The judge’s ruling focuses on how the Navy’s regulations address those who seek an exemption on religious grounds from the vaccine mandate. This case highlights religious rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine Policy Targeted Read More

Kansas Same-Sex Couple Struggles to be Listed as Parents on Birth Certificate

A same-sex couple in Kansas has been denied the right to be listed on their child's birth certificate due to discriminatory intent.

February 1st, 2022

Almost 7 years after the Obergefell decision, parts of the country are still deciding how to address some aspects of family life for LGBTQ+ individuals. Parents, as well as prospective parents, are still denied equal rights under the law in various situations. The following considers challenges faced by an LGBTQ+ couple in Kansas who are Read More

Religious Rights Lawsuit Initiated After Student Forced to Eat Pepperoni Pizza

Religious diets are quite common in the United States, and sometimes they can lead to lawsuits, especially in correctional facilities.

January 28th, 2022

A former high school student who was a football player at McKinley High School in Canton, Ohio recently filed a lawsuit after he was forced to eat pepperoni pizza. Eating pork is against his family’s religious beliefs, so school officials violated his civil rights, the suit claims. The Basis of the Pepperoni Pizza Lawsuit The Read More

New Jersey Codifies Same-Sex Marriage Statute

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

January 25th, 2022

A bill introduced in the winter of 2020 codifying same-sex marriage into New Jersey statute was only recently advanced past the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee on a vote of 4 to 0. New Jersey’s Assembly Bill 5367 states that laws addressing both civil unions and marriages should be interpreted with gender-neutral intent. Since 2013, Read More

Federal Judge Will Rule in Cambridge Christian’s Prayer Lawsuit

A football coach who recently won his religious freedom lawsuit against a public school mulls whether to return to his old post.

January 21st, 2022

Over five years later, a judge for a federal court is positioned to decide a prayer lawsuit regarding whether an Athletic Association in Florida unlawfully interfered with the First Amendment rights of a Christian school in Tampa after the Association banned the broadcast of a prayer that occurred during competition. During this championship football game, Read More

Christian Children’s Home Initiates Legal Action Against Biden Administration Over Same-Sex Couples

A Christian adoption agency in New York won a lawsuit against the state over its refusal to serve same-sex and unmarried couples.

January 18th, 2022

A Christian children’s home located in Tennessee recently initiated legal action against the federal government over a regulation that requires the agency to place children in the homes of same-sex couples that are either in marriages or cohabiting.  The Children’s Home Involved in the Case The “Holston Home” is a nationally accredited Christian nonprofit located Read More