Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Religious Discrimination’ Category.


Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusions

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

July 5th, 2024

Although religious beliefs may cause conflicts in many aspects of life, medical procedures can prove especially problematic. If a religious belief prevents a patient from accessing care, doctors must ask themselves important questions about their own professional oaths. Does a patient’s autonomy override the doctor’s duty to provide effective care? When is a patient allowed Read More

What is the Definition of an “Undue Hardship” in a Religious Discrimination Lawsuit?

The Trump Administration has signed an executive order that will pave the way to legalize transgender discrimination.

April 16th, 2024

As an American worker, you may be aware that your employer cannot discriminate against you for religious reasons. If you request an exemption to certain workplace requirements due to religious reasons, your employer may be legally obliged to respect your faith. The word “may” is very important in this context since US employers can avoid Read More

Why the Eclipse is Triggering Religious Lawsuits in the United States

A recent religious freedom lawsuit filed by prisoners in NY state argued it was unconstitutional not to allow them to view the solar eclipse.

April 12th, 2024

Throughout time, countless religions have focused on sun worship. When you consider the qualities of our local star, this should not come as a major surprise. Known as “Sol” by astronomers, the sun is the brightest object in our sky. It is also an essential driver of life on Earth. Without it, humanity and all Read More

Apache Group Pushes Back Against Copper Mine Development 

An Apache group is pushing back against a proposed copper mine on sacred ground, arguing the mine threatens their religious freedom.

April 9th, 2024

The United States is home to numerous religions. In order of popularity, the top five are Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, Islam, and Buddhism, the religiously unaffiliated outnumber all groups except for Christians. Although these top five religions dominate headlines when it comes to legal developments, they are not the oldest in the United States. Native Americans Read More

Orthodox Jew Sues JetBlue After Being Forced to Sit Next to a Woman

An Orthodox Jew Is suing JetBlue after the airline kicked him off the plane for refusing to sit next to a woman.

March 28th, 2024

Different religions have different views about women, and this often proves to be one of the most controversial subjects in American society. While some religions view women in virtually the same way as men, others view each gender in a much more distinct light. There may be specific rules regarding women that do not apply Read More

In the United States, You May Face Hate Crime Charges for Fighting Satanism

A Satanic monument has gone up next to a nativity scene in NH, indicating that the First Amendment is alive and well in one New England town.

March 14th, 2024

Many Americans forget that the United States is a constitutionally secular republic with no official religion. Although one might argue that the country was founded on Christian values, the government is usually careful to separate church and state. Any overlap between these two realms can potentially lead to lawsuits – and we have certainly seen Read More

Prayer Breaks: Are They Legitimate?

The EEOC recently filed a lawsuit against a recruiting agency, claiming that the group had unlawfully denied a religious accommodation.

February 7th, 2024

Some individuals pray numerous times each day in the United States, and some argue that they should be provided with breaks from work in order to perform these religious duties. This issue is raising a number of religious, legal, and constitutional issues in the nation. How many breaks should religious employees receive each day to Read More

Church properties Face Attacks From Numerous Sources Around the World

Various lawsuits have been filed against churches involving real estate issues and perceived discrimination or neglect.

January 31st, 2024

Church properties often come under attack from a range of different sources. Whether it is a bomb dropped by a plane at over 30,000 feet or a vandal scrawling graffiti on the wall, these attacks represent both psychological and physical blows for worshippers around the world. In some cases, these attacks can be digital in Read More

Beards: The Surprising Reason Behind Many Religious Lawsuits

Religious adherents of various faiths continue to face discrimination due to their beards, as one Christian man recently found out.

January 11th, 2024

For the entirety of human civilization, people have been voicing various opinions about beards. The people of Ancient Mesopotamia clearly had an affinity for beards – and various carvings highlight this with clarity. However, some Sumerians eventually started shaving – and the trend continued into Egypt and Ancient Rome. The Romans were the first to Read More

Can You Get a Day Off for Religious Reasons in the United States?

Workers do not have the freedom to simply take a day off whenever they feel like it, unless it is for valid religious reasons.

November 21st, 2023

Everyone needs a day off once in a while. Work can become extremely stressful, and although 24 hours might not seem like a long time, it can help employees recharge. These days off might even make workers more productive in the long run, as they return from their breaks feeling refreshed and ready to contribute. Read More