Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Religious Discrimination’ Category.


In the United States, You May Face Hate Crime Charges for Fighting Satanism

Despite previous wins, the Satanic Temple has lost a lawsuit in Boston alleging discrimination based on their religion.

March 14th, 2024

Many Americans forget that the United States is a constitutionally secular republic with no official religion. Although one might argue that the country was founded on Christian values, the government is usually careful to separate church and state. Any overlap between these two realms can potentially lead to lawsuits – and we have certainly seen Read More

Prayer Breaks: Are They Legitimate?

Prayer breaks have been in the news recently as more employees are suing to be granted this religious accommodation.

February 7th, 2024

Some individuals pray numerous times each day in the United States, and some argue that they should be provided with breaks from work in order to perform these religious duties. This issue is raising a number of religious, legal, and constitutional issues in the nation. How many breaks should religious employees receive each day to Read More

Church properties Face Attacks From Numerous Sources Around the World

Attacks on church properties have risen dramatically in recent years, both around the world and in the U.S.

January 31st, 2024

Church properties often come under attack from a range of different sources. Whether it is a bomb dropped by a plane at over 30,000 feet or a vandal scrawling graffiti on the wall, these attacks represent both psychological and physical blows for worshippers around the world. In some cases, these attacks can be digital in Read More

Beards: The Surprising Reason Behind Many Religious Lawsuits

Religious adherents of various faiths continue to face discrimination due to their beards, as one Christian man recently found out.

January 11th, 2024

For the entirety of human civilization, people have been voicing various opinions about beards. The people of Ancient Mesopotamia clearly had an affinity for beards – and various carvings highlight this with clarity. However, some Sumerians eventually started shaving – and the trend continued into Egypt and Ancient Rome. The Romans were the first to Read More

Can You Get a Day Off for Religious Reasons in the United States?

Workers do not have the freedom to simply take a day off whenever they feel like it, unless it is for valid religious reasons.

November 21st, 2023

Everyone needs a day off once in a while. Work can become extremely stressful, and although 24 hours might not seem like a long time, it can help employees recharge. These days off might even make workers more productive in the long run, as they return from their breaks feeling refreshed and ready to contribute. Read More

Muslims Sue Two of America’s Top Employers for Religious Discrimination

Chipotle and Blackwell Security Services were recently sued by the EEOC for discrimination against Muslims.

November 10th, 2023

While the United States was founded on Christian values, it is not a Christian nation. In fact, the nation’s laws clearly highlight the fact that it has no state religion. This means that while no religion enjoys special treatment under the law, each religion must also be treated equally. And although Christians take the headlines Read More

EEOC Files a Slew of Religious Discrimination Lawsuits

Multiple businesses are facing religious discrimination lawsuits from the EEOC after instituting COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

November 3rd, 2023

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – also known simply as the “EEOC” is responsible for rooting out all forms of discrimination in America’s many workplaces. Although racial or sexual discrimination often makes headlines, religious discrimination is also apparently quite common across the United States. This was made clear after the EEOC recently filed a slew Read More

Football Coach Back on the Field After Winning Religious Lawsuit

A football coach who recently won his religious freedom lawsuit against a public school mulls whether to return to his old post.

October 31st, 2023

All too often, people who dare to challenge the status quo have their careers destroyed. Even if they win their lawsuits, the publicity and the negative stigma might follow them for the rest of their lives. Such is often the case with religious lawsuits, as the topic is inherently divisive in the United States. However, Read More

Farmer Wins Lawsuit Over Religious Discrimination

A farmer in Michigan recently won a lawsuit over religious discrimination after he was banned from a public market.

October 24th, 2023

People in the United States must be careful about retaliating against each other purely on the grounds of religion. Although it might seem like some religious views are “evil” or “wrong,” the Constitution specifically protects freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Discrimination is also unlawful in many situations, and it is all too easy Read More

Two New Jewish Discrimination Lawsuits Filed in the United States

The Jewish population in the United States continues to face religious discrimination as two recent cases reveal.

October 20th, 2023

In the modern era, most religious lawsuits that capture public attention involve the Christian faith. Examples include lawsuits over abortion, same-sex marriages, and other issues that may clash with conservative Christian values. However, many religious lawsuits involve the Jewish faith, and these legal issues deserve our attention as well. Although the Jewish population in the Read More