Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘separation of church and state’


Oklahoma Schools Ordered to Incorporate Bible Education

Oklahoma schools have been ordered to incorporate Bible education into the classroom by the state's Superintendent.

July 23rd, 2024

On June 27, 2024, the Superintendent of Oklahoma’s state schools sent a letter to all districts, providing very clear discussions about using the Bible in classroom discussions. According to the Superintendent, the Bible should be viewed as a source of instruction support and an important historical document. All grades from 5 to 12 have been Read More

Louisiana Mandates Display of Ten Commandments in All Public Schools

Louisiana's display mandate for the Ten Commandments has hit a roadblock as concerned parents have filed a lawsuit to block this mandate.

July 2nd, 2024

One of the most fascinating things about our nation is that each state has considerable freedom to set its own laws. When traveling from one end of the country to the other, you might experience drastically different regulations on things like traffic, self-defense, and divorce. However, one common characteristic across all States is the division Read More

Oklahoma Allows Students to Pursue “Elective” Religious Training

Oklahoma doubles-down on religious training as a valid alternative to public school curriculum during the school day.

June 27th, 2024

A new bill in Oklahoma would allow students to pursue their own elective religious training. Although this training will occur outside of public school premises, it will still happen during school hours. This bill has raised numerous issues about the mixing of church and state, which is supposed to be federally prohibited by the United Read More

Was the United States Founded as a Christian Nation?

While America is not a Christian Nation from a constitutional standpoint, the drumbeat of those arguing otherwise is getting louder.

March 22nd, 2024

Ask any constitutional scholar about America’s official religion, and they will likely tell you that it has none. This is, of course, written into the Constitution, and since its inception, the government has been very careful to separate church and state. However, not everyone agrees with this time-honored principle – and some argue that the Read More

In the United States, You May Face Hate Crime Charges for Fighting Satanism

A Satanic monument has gone up next to a nativity scene in NH, indicating that the First Amendment is alive and well in one New England town.

March 14th, 2024

Many Americans forget that the United States is a constitutionally secular republic with no official religion. Although one might argue that the country was founded on Christian values, the government is usually careful to separate church and state. Any overlap between these two realms can potentially lead to lawsuits – and we have certainly seen Read More

How to Become a Deacon

To become a Deacon, you traditionally had to convert to Catholicism, but the Universal Life Church enables you to become one instantly.

January 26th, 2024

For many religious individuals, attending church is not enough. They wish instead to become more active members of the church, and they strive to hold official positions within the church’s hierarchy. For Catholics, one potential option is to become a deacon. But what exactly is a deacon, and how do you become one? What is a Deacon? Read More

Veteran Beheads Baphomet Statue in Iowa

A Satanic monument has gone up next to a nativity scene in NH, indicating that the First Amendment is alive and well in one New England town.

December 29th, 2023

A veteran recently admitted to beheading a Baphomet statue inside the Iowa State Capital, calling his actions “Christian civil disobedience.” This has not stopped him from facing criminal charges of criminal mischief in the fourth degree, but numerous individuals – including local Satanists – aren’t exactly happy. This has sparked a wider debate over potential Read More

State of Tennessee Settles Lawsuit with Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church recently won its lawsuit against Tennessee over a law barring its ministers from officiating weddings.

December 19th, 2023

After the Tennessee state legislature passed a law explicitly barring ministers who were ordained online from solemnizing legal marriages in 2019, the Universal Life Church (ULC) immediately filed suit and were successful in obtaining a restraining order blocking the law from taking effect. In August of 2023, the ULC began the trial against the Tennessee Read More

Can You Legally Start Your Own Religion in the United States?

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

December 8th, 2023

What is the legal definition of a religion in the United States? When you strip away the ideology and tax benefits, religion is simply an organization of people who agree to come together and follow certain rules. With this simplistic view, an obvious question often arises among so-called non-believers: Why can’t I create my own religion and Read More

Churches Fight to Leave the United Methodist Church

There is a fierce debate in many religious communities about LGBTQ issues, and the United Methodist Church is certainly no exception.

December 5th, 2023

There is a fierce debate in many religious communities about LGBTQ issues, and the United Methodist Church (UMC) is certainly no exception. Due to the unique legal structure of the UMC, this debate is triggering a serious fracture within the church – one that is causing many individual congregations to leave. The process of leaving Read More