Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘religious freedom’


Amish Sue over Traffic Safety Requirement

The Amish community is suing the state of Ohio over its new requirement that they install yellow flashing lights on their buggies.

December 17th, 2024

As many are undoubtedly aware, people in the Amish community prefer not to use modern technology. Their religion places value on older technology, and in some parts of the country, you can see them traveling down roads on horse-drawn buggies. While many pass these buggies with no real issue, there is an obvious risk of Read More

Evangelical School Sued for Firing Trans IT Staffer

A trans IT staffer was recently fired by Liberty University after she decided to disclose her gender identity.

December 10th, 2024

Conservative Christians and many other religious individuals often reject viewpoints promulgated by trans people and trans activists. Progressive ideas on gender and sexuality have long been rejected by traditional religious groups, and this has led to numerous lawsuits throughout the United States. Some might argue that these two different philosophies will never find common ground, Read More

Catholic Wins $13 Million Over COVID Vaccine Refusal: Is This Just the Beginning?

A Catholic woman was recently awarded $13 million after she was fired over her vaccine refusal during the height of COVID-19.

December 5th, 2024

During the pandemic, the prospect of vaccine-related lawsuits loomed large. While many people focused on the possibility of vaccine injury lawsuits, others wondered whether they could eventually sue for wrongful termination over their vaccine refusal. Across the United States, countless individuals refused to take the vaccine on religious grounds and were subsequently fired. A recent Read More

Legal Arguments Louisiana and Oklahoma Could Face in Their Religious Education Lawsuits

Lawsuits are making their way to court after Louisiana and Oklahoma separately mandated religious education in public schooling.

November 5th, 2024

Two US states will face serious legal challenges after attempting to implement religious education into their public school systems. Louisiana wants to display the 10 Commandments in all schools, while Oklahoma plans to create a Bible education mandate. Both decisions have prompted strong criticism from some parents, teachers, and constitutional scholars. What kinds of legal Read More

Recruiting Agency Sued for Not Hiring Applicant Who Wanted to Attend Prayer

The EEOC recently filed a lawsuit against a recruiting agency, claiming that the group had unlawfully denied a religious accommodation.

October 29th, 2024

In October of 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a lawsuit against a recruiting agency – claiming that the organization had rejected an applicant due to religious discrimination. This case seems to stem from the applicant’s desire to attend prayer services in the middle of a workday – and it could prove to Read More

Colorado Baker Wins Second Religious Lawsuit

The Colorado baker at the center of one of the most famous LGBTQ legal cases has won a second lawsuit allowing him to discriminate.

October 25th, 2024

One of the most famous legal cases in recent memory was Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. This lawsuit dates back to 2012, and it involves a Colorado baker refusing to create a custom cake for a gay couple. Although the baker initially lost the discrimination lawsuit, he successfully appealed to the Supreme Court Read More

The Shifting Definition of Undue Hardship in EEOC Religious Discrimination Lawsuits

The concept of undue hardship in religious discrimination lawsuits has shifted thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

October 22nd, 2024

Most employers in the United States understand that they cannot discriminate against their employees on the basis of religion. For example, they cannot give one religious individual a day off during a day of worship while denying another religious individual the right to take time off during a different holiday. However, there is one notable Read More

Is Atheism a Legal Religion?

Can atheism be considered a religious doctrine in the same vein as Christianity? Some parents in Indiana tried to argue this.

October 18th, 2024

According to the Pew Research Center, 4% of Americans identify as Atheists, and almost 30% are religiously unaffiliated. The word “atheist” is often used alongside the names of religions, such as Christianity and Judaism. But is it a “religion” in the same way as these faiths? Or is it the absence of religion? Is the Read More

Florida’s New School Chaplain Program and Why the Satanists are Angry

Florida recently implemented a new school chaplain program, but defined religion in such a way as to exclude non-theist religions.

October 11th, 2024

In April of 2024, Florida gave school districts the right to create their own volunteer school chaplain programs. This is part of Florida HB 931, a broad bill aimed at improving student mental health. One aspect of this overall plan is the widespread implementation of chaplains. However, this is not mandatory for school districts. Despite Read More

What is the Johnson Amendment and Why Has it Sparked a Religious Lawsuit?

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

October 8th, 2024

Various religious organizations depend on their tax-exempt status, and many Churches in the United States would not be able to function without this financial advantage. However, this advantage comes at a cost – and tax-exempt organizations must surrender certain rights. One of the most notable downsides of tax-exempt status is outlined by the “Johnson Amendment” Read More