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Posts tagged ‘LGBTQ discrimination’


Investigation Considers Whether Vermont School Discriminated Against LGBTQ+ Students

A Christian adoption agency in New York won a lawsuit against the state over its refusal to serve same-sex and unmarried couples.

October 13th, 2022

Vermont’s Department for Children and Families began investigating a Christian school in Bennington last year over potential discrimination against LGBTQ+ students. After a former Vermont state secretary of education tweeted a screenshot of a page from a handbook published by the school which labeled homosexuality as “sinful and offensive to God,” the state began its investigation. The Read More

Lawsuit Emerges Over Ohio Medical Conscience Clause Allowing Denial of Treatment to LGBTQ+ Individuals

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

October 4th, 2022

A recent lawsuit claims that the “medical conscience clause” in an over $70 billion budget bill goes against the terms of the single-subject requirement found in Ohio’s Constitution. This clause lets medical professionals decline to provide services to individuals based on their religious, ethical, or moral beliefs. Ohio’s single-subject regulations prohibit legislatures from placing policies in bills Read More

Marital Rights of Same-Sex Couples at Risk of Removal

A trans IT staffer was recently fired by Liberty University after she decided to disclose her gender identity.

June 17th, 2022

The United States Supreme Court is poised to overturn the constitutional right associated with abortion, which arises from the 14th Amendment. Because same-sex marital rights also arise from the 14th amendment, LGBTQ+ individuals are now worried that their own rights are at risk. Advocates for LGBTQ rights are concerned that if Roe v. Wade is Read More

New Bill Aims for Legalized Marriage of Same-Sex Individuals in Navajo Nation

LGBTQ Seniors in New York state will now have greater access to services including mental and physical care, low-cost meals, and caregivers.

June 14th, 2022

Navajo Nation lawmakers are currently attempting to repeal regulations established by the tribe in 2005 that prohibit marriage between two people of the same sex as well as remove any statements among Navajo law that treat same-sex marriages differently than opposite-sex ones. Changing Marriage Laws in Navajo Nation The Dine Marriage Act became effective as Read More

County Clerk Found to Violate Same-Sex Marriage License Requirement

A Judge recently held that former County Clerk Kim Davis violated the Constitution by denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

May 31st, 2022

In a recently published order, a United States District Judge in Kentucky held that former County Clerk Kim Davis had violated the Constitution by denying marriage licenses to two same-sex couples in 2015. The two couples initially filed lawsuits against the worker in 2015. The importance of this decision is that it finally settles the Read More

Virginia Legislators Block Effort to Remove Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition

The U.S. Senate delayed a vote on the Respect for Marriage Act to protect same-sex marriage until after the midterm elections.

May 24th, 2022

A Virginia House subcommittee recently struck down legislation that would have given voters in the state the chance to update the constitution. The legislation in question would have potentially removed a now defunct same-sex marriage prohibition in the Virginia state constitution.  The Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition in the State Constitution In 2006, Virginia passed the Marshall-Newman Read More

South Dakota Excludes Transgender Women From Women’s School Sports Teams

A Catholic bookstore is suing over a non-discrimination ordinance it claims will force it into specific pronoun usage it disagrees with.

May 17th, 2022

Transgender women and girls in South Dakota will be prohibited from competing on sports teams with cisgender girls and women at qualifying colleges and schools. This prohibition comes after the state’s governor signed a law addressing women in sports. South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem’s decision to sign the regulation, which promptly made its way to Read More

Supreme Court Becomes Involved in Christian Website Dispute

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

May 13th, 2022

The Supreme Court of the United States recently agreed to hear a challenge by a Christian website designer to a Colorado regulation that prohibits businesses from declining to serve clients due to their sexual orientation. Consequently, the United States Supreme Court will hear an argument addressing whether a regulation compelling an artist to speak or Read More

Trump-Appointed Judge to Consider Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill

An woman in Oregon is suing the state over its LGBTQ+ adoption policy, arguing that it discriminates against her Christian beliefs.

May 6th, 2022

Several plaintiffs recently initiated a lawsuit in federal court against the new “Don’t Say Gay” law in Florida, which is also referred to as House bill 1557. The measure was recently passed into law by Florida’s Governor DeSantis and bans discussion or mention of LGBTQ topics and people in grades K-3. How the Lawsuit Against Read More

LGBTQ Club at Indiana High School Wins Court Case

An woman in Oregon is suing the state over its LGBTQ+ adoption policy, arguing that it discriminates against her Christian beliefs.

March 25th, 2022

A judge recently stated that an LGBTQ club holds free speech rights both to exist as well as spread details about its activities at Pendleton Heights High School in Indianapolis, Indiana. The judge in this case stated that the school’s principal unlawfully prohibited the club’s advertisements, which were placed on school bulletin boards as well Read More