Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘hijab’


Hijab Incident Highlights Religious Clothing Rules

Oklahoma doubles-down on religious training as a valid alternative to public school curriculum during the school day.

December 10th, 2019

A ninth grader at Buffalo’s International Preparatory School says that she was forced to remove her hijab at the request of an assistant principal.

Judo Rules And Religion Give Conflicting Requirements For Saudi Olympian

Judo and religion clash at the Olympics

August 3rd, 2012

On Monday, Wojdan Shaherkani walked alongside her father through the Olympic judo venue. The sixteen-year old girl wore a light-pink scarf wrapped around her head. She moved with hesitation, hoping that she would come away from the Olympics as a pioneer and not a casualty of diplomacy. Her fears are not necessarily unfounded. Ms. Shaherkani Read More