Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘Affordable Care Act’


Supreme Court Ruling on Contraceptive Coverage Could Influence LGBTQ Employment Issues

The Lemon Test had traditionally been used to determine the constitutionality of religious law, but this test was overruled last year.

June 4th, 2020

Last month, the United States Supreme Court heard several important cases regarding contraceptive coverage guaranteed under the 2010 Affordable Care Act. In 2017, the Trump Administration argued for the right to expand a previous exemption to the contraceptive mandate from entities with a religious objection, such as churches, to any entity with a moral objection. Read More

How Justice Kavanaugh Could Alter Landmark Cases

The Lemon Test had traditionally been used to determine the constitutionality of religious law, but this test was overruled last year.

November 9th, 2018

  At the beginning of July 2018, President Trump announced his decision to appoint Brett Kavanaugh to fill the spot left by the retirement of Justice Kennedy, and last month, Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in to the Supreme Court. While Justice Kavanaugh previously served on the US Court of Appeals for Read More

The Supreme Court Punts Contraception Controversy Back to Lower Courts

contraception pills in packaging

June 16th, 2016

On May 16, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States (the “Supreme Court”) issued an opinion remanding a string of cases related to contraception and contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care Act. In its opinion, the Supreme Court vacated the decisions of the lower courts, and asked that the respective courts allow the parties Read More