Universal Life Church Case Law
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ULC Case Law
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Tennessee Law Addresses School Bathrooms

A Catholic bookstore is suing over a non-discrimination ordinance it claims will force it into specific pronoun usage it disagrees with.

June 19th, 2021

Tennessee’s Governor recently signed legislation that prohibits transgender students and staff from using bathrooms or locker rooms that conform to their gender identity. The bill limits communal school bathrooms and locker rooms to be used by people depending on their  “biological sex” at the time of birth. The bill also requires schools to provide “reasonable Read More

Religious Teacher Alleges Termination Due to Same-Sex Marriage

The U.S. Senate delayed a vote on the Respect for Marriage Act to protect same-sex marriage until after the midterm elections.

June 17th, 2021

An appeal was recently filed with the Indiana Court of Appeals after a judge dismissed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The judge was assigned the case after the Indiana Supreme Court voted 2-2 on a request to hear the case. The Chief Justice in the case abstained. The split decision, however, led a Read More

Texas Enacts New Abortion Law

A Tampa ordinance prohibiting counseling for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion was recently overturned by a federal court.

June 16th, 2021

Texas recently became the latest and largest state to prohibit abortion when a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Governor Abbott signed the Texas Heartbeat Act into law on May 19 and subsequently enacted a ban on abortions as early as six weeks into pregnancy, which is when a fetal heart can be detected. Texas joins Read More

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Religious Challenge Against New York COVID-19 Restrictions

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

December 18th, 2020

The United States Supreme Court recently overruled COVID-19 restrictions established by New York legislators that were designed to combat the coronavirus, finding the restrictions to be unconstitutional. The 5-to-4 vote was the first to address COVID-19 restrictions after the loss of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this fall and the installment of the new Read More

Supreme Court Extends Title VII Protection to LGBTQ Workers

The Civil Rights Act encompasses discrimination against LGBTQ workers, the Supreme Court has held.

December 4th, 2020

In a recent landmark decision earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court held that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects LGBTQ workers from on-the-job discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. The decision was the result of a 6-3 majority that saw Justices Gorsuch and Roberts, who are traditionally viewed Read More

Supreme Court Rejects Church’s Shutdown Challenge

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

November 20th, 2020

The Supreme Court of the United States recently turned down a request from a California church to block enforcement of state restrictions concerning attendance at religious services. In a 5-4 vote, Chief Justice Roberts joined the four liberals on the court to gain a majority to deny the church’s shutdown challenge. Meanwhile, Justices Thomas, Alito, Read More

Federal Judge Blocks North Carolina’s Religious Service Restrictions

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

June 10th, 2020

A federal judge recently ruled that North Carolina religious leaders should be able to open their doors to their congregations, overruling religious service restrictions instituted by the state’s Governor to contain further spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. North Carolina’s Governor Roy Cooper has since stated that he does not plan to appeal the Read More

Supreme Court Ruling on Contraceptive Coverage Could Influence LGBTQ Employment Issues

The concept of undue hardship in religious discrimination lawsuits has shifted thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

June 4th, 2020

Last month, the United States Supreme Court heard several important cases regarding contraceptive coverage guaranteed under the 2010 Affordable Care Act. In 2017, the Trump Administration argued for the right to expand a previous exemption to the contraceptive mandate from entities with a religious objection, such as churches, to any entity with a moral objection. Read More

US Supreme Court Hears Two Critical Religious Rights Cases

LifeWise Academy requested that Hilliard City Schools in Ohio let students choose to receive religious programming at off-site locations.

May 27th, 2020

Two recent cases (Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrisey-Berru and St. James School v. Biel) heard by the United States Supreme Court have dealt with the role of religious rights in this country. Both of these cases question if two Catholic school instructors qualify as “ministers,” and whether employment discrimination laws are therefore applicable. Read More

Florida Appeals Court Strikes Down Jacksonville Anti-Discrimination Law

An appeals court recently struck down Jacksonville’s anti-discrimination law due to how it was adopted, but the city council is already working on a fix.

May 21st, 2020

An appeals court in Florida recently struck down Jacksonville’s anti-discrimination law. The law bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in areas like public accommodation, employment, and housing. Florida’s 1st District Court of Appeals reversed the decision made by a Duval County court to dismiss a challenge to the city’s human-rights Read More