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Archive for the ‘Supreme Court Decision’ Category.


LGBTQ Club at Indiana High School Wins Court Case

An woman in Oregon is suing the state over its LGBTQ+ adoption policy, arguing that it discriminates against her Christian beliefs.

March 25th, 2022

A judge recently stated that an LGBTQ club holds free speech rights both to exist as well as spread details about its activities at Pendleton Heights High School in Indianapolis, Indiana. The judge in this case stated that the school’s principal unlawfully prohibited the club’s advertisements, which were placed on school bulletin boards as well Read More

Michigan Resolves Same-Sex Adoption Lawsuit Involving Catholic Charity

Citing a recent Supreme Court decision, Michigan will revert to contracting with adoption agencies that decline to offer same-sex adoption.

March 18th, 2022

Relying on a United States Supreme Court opinion favoring a Philadelphia Catholic foster care agency, child welfare workers in Michigan recently announced that they will revert to contracting with adoption agencies that decline to offer same-sex adoption. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services resolved a lawsuit with St. Vincent Catholic Charities, which is Read More

New Jersey Codifies Same-Sex Marriage Statute

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

January 25th, 2022

A bill introduced in the winter of 2020 codifying same-sex marriage into New Jersey statute was only recently advanced past the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee on a vote of 4 to 0. New Jersey’s Assembly Bill 5367 states that laws addressing both civil unions and marriages should be interpreted with gender-neutral intent. Since 2013, Read More

Federal Judge Will Rule in Cambridge Christian’s Prayer Lawsuit

A football coach who recently won his religious freedom lawsuit against a public school mulls whether to return to his old post.

January 21st, 2022

Over five years later, a judge for a federal court is positioned to decide a prayer lawsuit regarding whether an Athletic Association in Florida unlawfully interfered with the First Amendment rights of a Christian school in Tampa after the Association banned the broadcast of a prayer that occurred during competition. During this championship football game, Read More

Texas Legislator Targets Same-Sex Marriage

The U.S. Senate delayed a vote on the Respect for Marriage Act to protect same-sex marriage until after the midterm elections.

December 21st, 2021

In the summer of 2021, the state of Texas passed its controversial “heartbeat bill” addressing abortion and banning the procedure after 6 weeks, before most women know they are pregnant and with no exception for incest and rape. This legislation appears to have been just a starting poinA Texas legislator is now attempting to pass Read More

Federal Court Allows Catholic School to Fire Teacher in Same-Sex Marriage

Various lawsuits have been filed against churches involving real estate issues and perceived discrimination or neglect.

December 14th, 2021

The United States District for the Southern District of Indiana recently ruled that a Roman Catholic school and its archdiocese could refuse to renew the employment contract of a guidance counselor. The counselor in question entered into a same-sex marriage after spending years at the school in various capacities ranging from choral director to guidance Read More

Maine Vaccine Requirement Allowed to Stand by a Divided U.S. Supreme Court

A Catholic woman was recently awarded $13 million after she was fired over her vaccine refusal during the height of COVID-19.

December 10th, 2021

Lawsuits were first initiated in August against Maine’s Governor, Health and Human Service Commissioner, and Maine CDC Director over their COVID-19 vaccine requirement for healthcare workers. On two occasions, lower federal courts rejected these challenges and agreed with Maine’s mandate. Consequently, after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene, the state mandate is now in Read More

Football Coach to Appeal Ninth Circuit Decision Involving Prayer

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by a Florida town of a lower court's ruling allowing a lawsuit to move forward over a prayer vigil.

December 7th, 2021

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently declined to hear the decision of a three-judge panel that decided a school district in Washington state was permitted to ban a football coach from taking a knee in personal prayer following a football game. This article examines this case and the implications that Read More

Florist Who Refused Same-Sex Service Drops Supreme Court Case

A woman is challenging an anti-discrimination law that would require her to provide a creative service for a same-sex wedding, thereby violating her beliefs.

December 3rd, 2021

A Washington state florist with objections to same-sex marriage recently withdrew a petition before the United States Supreme Court. A Washington state florist who declined to arrange a couple because the florist had religious objections to same-sex marriage recently withdrew a petition before the United States Supreme Court. Rather than pursue the case in a Read More

Supreme Court Poised to Hear Religious Rights Case

In a religious rights case coming before the Supreme Court, the conservative majority will most likely further entrench government support of religion.

November 19th, 2021

In a major religious rights case about to be heard by the United States Supreme Court, a conservative-dominated court might move American law even further in support of religion. A current trend in the court is towards increased religious liberty rights. This case traces back to the 2014 Hobby Lobby ruling, which ruled in favor Read More