Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Religious Law’ Category.


Religion and Millennials: Are the Lines of Religion Blurring in the United States?

Open Bible with glasses on top

April 1st, 2016

There are few people who would deny that the first Europeans to travel to the land that would become the United States of America were fiercely religious. They believed so strongly that their way of life was the correct one that they fled persecution in their homelands to find ground where they could plant roots Read More

Constitutional Prohibitions: Religious Tests

religious tests

February 2nd, 2016

The United States has a complicated history when it comes to religion, despite its founders having strong ties to the religions of their forefathers.  When the first settlers came to what is now known as New England, they did so in part in an attempt to be free from religious persecution.  The Puritans, Huguenots, Mennonites, Read More

If You Build It: Battle Between Kentucky and Noah’s Ark Builder Continues

December 19th, 2015

In a lawsuit that was filed over the summer, a religious group in Kentucky is claiming that the State owes it money that it had originally promised, but then rescinded. The questions that will be decided during the litigation will call into question one of the oldest disputes in our country’s history: Where is the Read More

A Guide to Religious Accommodation

religious accomodation

September 30th, 2015

The difference between a religious accommodation in the workplace, and the principles of religious freedom as protected by the U.S. Constitution are often lost on many individuals who confuse the two ideas.  It is important to be able to distinguish between these two principles before entering into any dialogue in the workplace. Religious Accommodations in Read More

Practicing Religion in America: Religious Customs in the News

religion in America

September 21st, 2015

There has been a lot of news coverage stemming from the Supreme Court’s most recent decision on marriage, and the lawsuits that have been filed in its wake.  Maybe it’s because it has been rare in the past few decades for an issue to arise that affects individuals on such a raw, personal area such Read More

Separation of Church and State: Is the Wall Cracking?

separation of church and state

May 29th, 2015

The U.S. Constitution does not expressly mandate the “separation of church and state,” much to the surprise of many Americans. In fact, the clauses that reference religion in the Constitution are fairly silent as to any sort of separate religious and secular government functions. What the document does say, is that “no religious test” shall Read More

The New Religious Freedom Riddle: When does one liberty trump another?

Universal Life Church | Justice and Law

May 15th, 2015

In the beginning, the answer was simple; there was almost no situation in which someone else’s actions were intended to be allowed to impede upon another citizen’s unalienable rights.  That guarantee came with a caveat, however, as the small print to this rule included exceptions for minorities, women and non-landholders.  In fact, when the Constitution Read More

Religious Freedom Extended to Students?

ACLU threatens High School Administration Over Location of Graduation Ceremony

April 24th, 2015

The idea that young students now are being subjected to academic pressures beyond those felt by generations before them is nothing new .  It is common for courses and educational materials to take into account the increase in available subject matter from one generation to another, but one stress factor is unique.  Students in some Read More

Religious Exemption: When Faith and Laws Collide

The ULC is protected under the Establishment Clause

April 14th, 2015

The American Constitution guarantees that those who are subject to the laws of the United States have the freedom to practice, or not to practice, any religion as part of their first amendment rights.  The first amendment also carries with it the prohibition on Congress promoting or establishing one religion over others or restricting an Read More

The Interplay of Freedoms: Religion, Speech and Non-Discrimination

March 9th, 2015

The Constitution of the United States is one of the most unique governing documents in modern political history.  It is over 200 years old yet it is still looked to by world leaders and citizens alike to provide guidance on what is considered lawful behavior.  While there is arguably little in the way of step Read More