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Archive for the ‘Religious Law’ Category.


Former Dean Initiates Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Over Wiccan Beliefs

A Wiccan professor was recently forced to resign from her position at St. Bonaventure University as a result of her beliefs.

July 12th, 2019

A witch was recently forced to resign from her position as dean of the communications schools at St. Bonaventure University as a result her Wiccan beliefs.

Health and Human Services Department Passes Religious Conscience Rule

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

July 10th, 2019

The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced the issuance of a new final conscience rule, which is designed to protect individuals and health care entities from discrimination claims on the basis of their exercise of conscience in HHS funded programs. The conscience rule implements full enforcement of 25 provisions passed Read More

Pope Francis and the First Amendment? The Delicate Balance Between Free Speech And The Expression Of Religious Beliefs

The Vatican raised eyebrows recently when it announced transgender individuals can be baptized and become godparents.

December 21st, 2018

There are a few dominant religions that span multiple continents and have millions of believers worldwide.  Catholicism is one of them, and it has had a resurgence not only in newsworthy headlines but also in popularity due to the emergence of a strong, charismatic and compassionate leader.  Pope Francis I, previously known as Jorge Mario Read More

Religious Freedom in the Constitution: Original vs. Amended

In August of 2024, it was reported that an IHOP worker had received a settlement of $40,000 after filing an employment lawsuit.

November 30th, 2018

In modern day constitutional discussion, there is typically no argument about whether the Constitution protects individuals’ freedom to engage in the practice of religion regardless of which religion it is.  However, the discussion typically focuses on the First Amendment to the Constitution and not the original Articles.  Did the framers discuss religion, and if so, Read More

Court Allows Challenge to Michigan Anti-LGBTQ Adoption Laws

A Christian adoption agency in New York won a lawsuit against the state over its refusal to serve same-sex and unmarried couples.

October 30th, 2018

Recently, a federal judge in Michigan ruled that a lawsuit challenging the power of religious affiliated adoption agencies can proceed. The ACLU is attempting to bar state-contracted child placement agencies from discriminating against same-sex couples. While it remains uncertain how this case will be resolved, it has the potential to significantly affect Michigan’s laws, which Read More

Democrats Introduce Bill to Counter Religious Freedom Law

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

July 19th, 2018

  In May of 2018, Democratic senators introduced a bill to amend the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which according to the original sponsors of the law has been misappropriated and used to discriminate against numerous individual including those who identify as LGBTQ. This bill is significant because it has the potential to change a twenty-five-year-old Read More

Tennessee Passes “In God We Trust” Bill

A Tennessee bill that requires schools to prominently display the motto of “In God We Trust” is currently headed to the governor for his signature.

May 4th, 2018

  A Tennessee bill that requires schools in Tennessee to prominently display the motto of “In God We Trust” is currently headed to the governor for his signature. This legislation, which is referred to as the National Motto in the Classroom Act, was passed by 81 of 99 members of the house. Prior to the Read More

Legal Action Taken Against Group That Tried to Stop School Prayer

Oklahoma considers a bill that would permit fining teachers if they provide opposing views to the religious beliefs of students. 

March 23rd, 2018

  Members of an Ohio community have initiated an action against a group that tried to pressure a high school to ban its tradition of school prayer before sporting events. The Freedom from Religion Foundation reports that the organization received a complaint from two concerned citizens who alleged serious violations of the constitution by the Read More

School District in Nevada Challenges First Amendment

Various lawsuits have been filed against churches involving real estate issues and perceived discrimination or neglect.

February 15th, 2018

  Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, a Christian church in Nevada, recently announced that its First Amendment rights are being violated by a rural school district ban on promotional flyers that the church wants to distribute at school programs. This announcement was made in a letter that was sent to the Lyon County School District seeking Read More

School in New Mexico Removes Religious Mural

A Catholic school has sued an Ohio city over its LGBT non-discrimination ordinance, claiming its First Amendment rights are being violated by the ordinance.

November 21st, 2017

A public school in Clovis, New Mexico recently painted over a mural that featured a biblical quote. The mural, which was displayed in a public school hallway, displayed an anchor, a dove, and religious scripture. The scripture was Hebrews 6;19 which reads “Hope anchors the soul.” Since 2013, the mural had been displayed in the Read More