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Archive for the ‘Religious Discrimination’ Category.


Religious Rights Lawsuit Initiated After Student Forced to Eat Pepperoni Pizza

Religious diets are quite common in the United States, and sometimes they can lead to lawsuits, especially in correctional facilities.

January 28th, 2022

A former high school student who was a football player at McKinley High School in Canton, Ohio recently filed a lawsuit after he was forced to eat pepperoni pizza. Eating pork is against his family’s religious beliefs, so school officials violated his civil rights, the suit claims. The Basis of the Pepperoni Pizza Lawsuit The Read More

Student Challenges San Diego COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement Over Religious Rights

Oklahoma considers a bill that would permit fining teachers if they provide opposing views to the religious beliefs of students. 

December 17th, 2021

A 16-year old high school student in San Diego recently initiated legal action in federal court against the San Diego Unified School District. The student asserts that a vaccine mandate requiring qualified students to be fully inoculated against COVID-19 by the end of December 2021 constitutes religious discrimination.  San Diego’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate The San Read More

Football Coach to Appeal Ninth Circuit Decision Involving Prayer

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by a Florida town of a lower court's ruling allowing a lawsuit to move forward over a prayer vigil.

December 7th, 2021

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently declined to hear the decision of a three-judge panel that decided a school district in Washington state was permitted to ban a football coach from taking a knee in personal prayer following a football game. This article examines this case and the implications that Read More

ACLU Initiates Legal Action Over Rejection of Site Plan for Mosque

The EEOC recently filed a lawsuit against a recruiting agency, claiming that the group had unlawfully denied a religious accommodation.

November 30th, 2021

The American Civil Liberties Union recently launched a federal lawsuit against the City of Horn Lake, Mississippi, after it rejected a proposed mosque. The lawsuit claims that the city and board of aldermen of Horn lake discriminated against two Muslim individuals by denying approval of a site plan for a mosque that the men had Read More

Federal Court Issues Decision on Vaccine Mandate

More religious vaccine exemption lawsuits are coming down the legal pipeline.

November 12th, 2021

A federal appellate court recently issued a decision in favor of Western Michigan University athletes. This decision means the athletes will be able to play sports without obtaining a COVID-19 vaccine. The University had issued a vaccine mandate for student athletes, but did not mandate them for all students. How the Lawsuit Arose The original Read More

Siblings Banned From High School After Not Wearing Masks Due to Religious Reasons

Oklahoma doubles-down on religious training as a valid alternative to public school curriculum during the school day.

November 2nd, 2021

A brother and sister in California were recently banned from high school after they refused to wear masks on the first day of school. The father of the siblings reported that the children were told to leave Charter Schools Temecula Student Center and not come back regardless of whether or not they were wearing masks. Read More

Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Catholic Charity

A Christian adoption agency in New York won a lawsuit against the state over its refusal to serve same-sex and unmarried couples.

October 28th, 2021

The United States Supreme Court recently held that the City of Philadelphia went too far in applying its anti-discrimination law to a Catholic charity after it declined to permit same-sex parents to adopt foster children. The justices in this case noted that the Constitution permits a religious freedom exception to anti-discrimination laws. Importantly, the case Read More

Satanic Temple Argues Ohio Burial Law is Unconstitutional

October 22nd, 2021

According to a bill signed in late 2020 by Governor DeWine of Ohio, fetal remains from surgical abortions must be either buried or cremated. The non-theistic religious group, the Satanic Temple, however, is threatening legal action because the group argues that the state cannot dictate burial practices to religious organizations. This burial law brings up Read More

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Religious Challenge Against New York COVID-19 Restrictions

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

December 18th, 2020

The United States Supreme Court recently overruled COVID-19 restrictions established by New York legislators that were designed to combat the coronavirus, finding the restrictions to be unconstitutional. The 5-to-4 vote was the first to address COVID-19 restrictions after the loss of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this fall and the installment of the new Read More

Federal Judge Blocks North Carolina’s Religious Service Restrictions

Religious groups recently sued the IRS over the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax exempt organizations from engaging in political speech.

June 10th, 2020

A federal judge recently ruled that North Carolina religious leaders should be able to open their doors to their congregations, overruling religious service restrictions instituted by the state’s Governor to contain further spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. North Carolina’s Governor Roy Cooper has since stated that he does not plan to appeal the Read More