Universal Life Church Case Law
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ULC Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘vaccine’


Maine Vaccine Requirement Allowed to Stand by a Divided U.S. Supreme Court

A Catholic woman was recently awarded $13 million after she was fired over her vaccine refusal during the height of COVID-19.

December 10th, 2021

Lawsuits were first initiated in August against Maine’s Governor, Health and Human Service Commissioner, and Maine CDC Director over their COVID-19 vaccine requirement for healthcare workers. On two occasions, lower federal courts rejected these challenges and agreed with Maine’s mandate. Consequently, after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene, the state mandate is now in Read More

Federal Court Issues Decision on Vaccine Mandate

More religious vaccine exemption lawsuits are coming down the legal pipeline.

November 12th, 2021

A federal appellate court recently issued a decision in favor of Western Michigan University athletes. This decision means the athletes will be able to play sports without obtaining a COVID-19 vaccine. The University had issued a vaccine mandate for student athletes, but did not mandate them for all students. How the Lawsuit Arose The original Read More