Universal Life Church Case Law
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ULC Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘supreme court case’


Football Coach Back on the Field After Winning Religious Lawsuit

A football coach who recently won his religious freedom lawsuit against a public school mulls whether to return to his old post.

October 31st, 2023

All too often, people who dare to challenge the status quo have their careers destroyed. Even if they win their lawsuits, the publicity and the negative stigma might follow them for the rest of their lives. Such is often the case with religious lawsuits, as the topic is inherently divisive in the United States. However, Read More

Another Worker Sues for Being Forced to Work on Sundays

The Trump Administration has signed an executive order that will pave the way to legalize transgender discrimination.

May 19th, 2023

You may recall that just a few weeks ago the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of a postal worker who was apparently forced to work on Sundays – despite his religious views. This case has the potential to mark a significant change in US employment law, and the verdict could send shockwaves Read More