Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘LGBT Rights’


Texas Teacher Initiates Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

A Catholic school has sued an Ohio city over its LGBT non-discrimination ordinance, claiming its First Amendment rights are being violated by the ordinance.

July 24th, 2018

  An LGBTQ teacher recently initiated a wrongful termination lawsuit against the Mansfield Independent School District on the basis that the school discriminated against her based on her sexual orientation. The teacher was placed on leave after she showed students a photo of her wife. While the teacher’s contract with the district has been renewed, Read More

Michigan Adds LGBTQ Protections to Civil Rights Department

A trans IT staffer was recently fired by Liberty University after she decided to disclose her gender identity.

July 11th, 2018

A Michigan state commission recently determined that protections against discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation are included in Michigan’s current ban on sex discrimination. This recent decision came after a 5-0 vote by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission approving this interpretation of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act. As a result of this decision, Read More

Washington Passes Law Prohibiting Conversion Therapy

A trans IT staffer was recently fired by Liberty University after she decided to disclose her gender identity.

June 6th, 2018

  Washington’s Governor Jay Inslee recently signed into law SB 7522, which protects LGBTQ individuals from conversion therapy. The bill is the result of efforts by the National Center for Lesbian Rights and Equal Rights Washington. These groups have long advocated for the prohibition of conversion therapy throughout the country. In response to this decision, Read More

Second Circuit Rules on Title VII in Zarda Case

A second federal circuit court has ruled the Title VII prohibition on sex discrimination encompasses sexual orientation discrimination.

March 9th, 2018

  Recently, in the case of Zarda v. Altitude Express, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Title VII prohibition on sex discrimination includes sexual orientation discrimination. The case arose when Donald Zarda, a skydiving instructor who identifies as gay, claimed that his position was terminated after a customer complained that the worker Read More

Anti-LGBT Group Sues Tampa for Banning Conversion Therapy

Legislators in New York passed a prohibition on “gay and trans panic” defenses in criminal cases in an attempt to end discriminatory legal strategies.

February 8th, 2018

An anti-LGBT group called Liberty Counsel recently initiated a legal action against the city of Tampa, Florida for banning conversion therapy. This legal action comes after the Tampa City Council unanimously passed Ordinance 2017-47 which prohibits any type of counseling procedure or process that has the goal of changing a person’s gender expression, gender identity, Read More

LGBTQ Non-Discrimination Law Passed in Morgantown, West Virginia

Legislators in New York passed a prohibition on “gay and trans panic” defenses in criminal cases in an attempt to end discriminatory legal strategies.

February 2nd, 2018

  Morgantown, West Virginia recently passed a non-discrimination law to protect LGBTQ individuals as part of a human rights ordinance. This addition came when the seven-person Morgantown City Council voted unanimously to add non-discrimination language to the city’s existing ordinance. While this might seem like a small change, Morgantown is only the 11th city in Read More

Supreme Court Divided Over Cake Case

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

January 19th, 2018

The Supreme Court of the United States appears to be divided on a case concerning the refusal by a Colorado bakery to design a wedding cake for same sex couples. During the hearing of the cake case before the Supreme Court, the justices asked specific and probing questions of legal counsel on each side. Different Read More

California Becomes First State to Approve LGBTQ History Books

Three families recently initiated legal action in the US District Court over a Maine law that prohibits tuition reimbursements for religious schools.

January 5th, 2018

  The state of California recently became part of LGBTQ history when its Board of Education approved 10 history textbooks that include LGBTQ events for K-8 classrooms. This decision made California the first state to approve of such textbooks. More interestingly, the California Department of Education rejected two textbooks that did not include details about Read More

Mississippi’s Religious Exemption Law May Head to Supreme Court

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

December 15th, 2017

Mississippi’s HB 1523 is a religious exemption law that passed in 2016 as a response to the US Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to allow same-sex couples to marry nationwide.  It is a virulently anti-LGBTQ law that allows both government workers and private companies to refuse to offer their services to LGBTQ individuals on the basis Read More

Michigan Civil Rights Commission Urged to Adopt Interpretive Statement

A trans IT staffer was recently fired by Liberty University after she decided to disclose her gender identity.

November 28th, 2017

In two letters from August, 41 House and Senate members urged the Michigan Civil Rights Commission to adopt an interpretive statement to expand a law’s application. Concurrently, the group Equality Michigan asked the commission to contemplate whether they should investigate sexual orientation and gender identity complaints under the definition of sex discrimination that is already Read More