Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘LGBT Rights’


Dayton, Kentucky Becomes a “Cool City”

One member of a same-sex couple in Alaska was recently denied her 2019 Permanent Fund dividends because of an outdated law prohibiting same-sex marriage.

September 27th, 2019

The Dayton City Council recently adjourned in applause after the city passed an ordinance to protect LGBTQ individuals. This ordinance includes a regulation that protects against discrimination based on a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation in issues of employment and housing. Unfortunately, the ordinance acknowledges some exceptions when a person is not required to Read More

Illinois Passes Law Requiring LGBTQ History be Taught in Schools

Religious parents are suing their school district in order to opt their children out of sexual orientation & gender identity education.

September 20th, 2019

In a landmark decision that will likely help to promote the advancement of civil rights, Illinois state now requires LGBTQ history be taught in schools.

Supreme Court Prepares to Hear LGBT Discrimination Cases

One member of a same-sex couple in Alaska was recently denied her 2019 Permanent Fund dividends because of an outdated law prohibiting same-sex marriage.

August 2nd, 2019

In April 2019, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it will hear three cases concerning LGBT discrimination during its fall term. Each of these cases addresses the question of whether the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from terminating workers as a result of their gender identity or sexual orientation. These Read More

Michigan Prohibits LGBT Discrimination in State Adoptions

A Christian adoption agency in New York won a lawsuit against the state over its refusal to serve same-sex and unmarried couples.

July 2nd, 2019

Following a recent agreement between Michigan’s Attorney General and the American Civil Liberties Union, adoption agencies in the state of Michigan that receive state funding are no longer able to deny adoptions to LGBT couples on the basis that doing so violates the agency’s religious beliefs. The decision is the result of a legal action Read More

Catholic School Sues City Claiming Intrusion of Rights

A Catholic school has sued an Ohio city over its LGBT non-discrimination ordinance, claiming its First Amendment rights are being violated by the ordinance.

June 28th, 2019

An independent Catholic school in South Euclid, Ohio and the non-profit legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom recently initiated a lawsuit against the city of South Euclid on the basis that certain regulations created by a city ordinance in 2018 infringe on the school’s First Amendment and religious liberty rights. Even though it is still uncertain Read More

North Dakota Senate Votes Against Anti-LGBTQ Discrimination Bill

One member of a same-sex couple in Alaska was recently denied her 2019 Permanent Fund dividends because of an outdated law prohibiting same-sex marriage.

February 15th, 2019

At the end of January, 2019, the North Dakota senate defeated legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The senator, who was the primary sponsor of the bill, also known as Senate Bill 2303, has said that the measure was created to decrease the rate at which discrimination against LGBTQ individuals occurs in Read More

Man Sues Social Security Administration Over Denial of Benefits

One member of a same-sex couple in Alaska was recently denied her 2019 Permanent Fund dividends because of an outdated law prohibiting same-sex marriage.

December 18th, 2018

A man in Tucson recently announced legal action against the Social Security Administration for failure to pay spousal survivor benefits after the death of his same sex partner. The man claimed that he would have married his deceased partner in the early 1970s if it had been legal to do so. Instead, the two men Read More

California Supports Law Protecting LGBTQ Senior Citizens

California’s Governor Jerry Brown recently signed a new bill into law that supports the inclusion of LGBTQ senior citizens in state-provided programs.

November 16th, 2018

California’s Governor Jerry Brown recently signed a new bill into law that supports the inclusion of LGBTQ seniors in state-provided programs. This measure marks a significant advancement in the rights of LGBTQ senior citizens in the state. The Number of California Senior Citizens Affected Equality California reports that 10.9 million Californians will be over the Read More

New Jersey Passes Transgender Protection Laws

New Jersey Department of Education sends guidelines to schools explaining how to follow 2017 protection laws for transgender students.

October 16th, 2018

Schools in New Jersey are about to become subject to a variety of protection laws designed to protect the rights of transgender students after the New Jersey Department of Education sent guidelines to schools explaining how to best follow a 2017 law that reinforces protections for its students. The state’s Department of Education is currently Read More

Appeals Court Decision Made in LGBTQ Locker Room Case

A woman who sued Planet Fitness after the company revoked her membership due to a complaint about a transgender woman in the locker room won an appeal.

September 20th, 2018

A Michigan appeals court recently issued a decision involving LGBTQ rights and Planet Fitness, and sent the case back to trial court. The case involves a woman who initiated legal action against Planet Fitness after the company revoked the woman’s membership because the woman issued a complaint that she saw a transgender woman in the Read More