Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘Christianity’


Satanic Monument Displayed Alongside Nativity Scene in New Hampshire

The Church of Satan and its supporters continue to cause controversy both in the United States and across the pond.

December 24th, 2024

Although Christmas is not usually associated with Satanism, at least one state is bringing both together in a public display. As of this writing, a Baphomet Satanic monument sits alongside a nativity scene at Concord City Hall Plaza in New Hampshire. This has prompted numerous headlines and various responses across the nation. Putting the controversy Read More

Was the United States Founded as a Christian Nation?

While America is not a Christian Nation from a constitutional standpoint, the drumbeat of those arguing otherwise is getting louder.

March 22nd, 2024

Ask any constitutional scholar about America’s official religion, and they will likely tell you that it has none. This is, of course, written into the Constitution, and since its inception, the government has been very careful to separate church and state. However, not everyone agrees with this time-honored principle – and some argue that the Read More

Church properties Face Attacks From Numerous Sources Around the World

Various lawsuits have been filed against churches involving real estate issues and perceived discrimination or neglect.

January 31st, 2024

Church properties often come under attack from a range of different sources. Whether it is a bomb dropped by a plane at over 30,000 feet or a vandal scrawling graffiti on the wall, these attacks represent both psychological and physical blows for worshippers around the world. In some cases, these attacks can be digital in Read More

High School Students Sue School District over Forced Christian Prayer

In a religious rights case coming before the Supreme Court, the conservative majority will most likely further entrench government support of religion.

December 4th, 2019

Four atheist public school students in Tennessee recently initiated a lawsuit against their school district for violating the separation of church and state. According to the students, school officials have been promoting Christian religious activities in their public schools, including prayers, Bible distributions, posters and other activities. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawsuit was Read More

Sexism in Religion: Christianity and the War of the Sexes

March 21st, 2016

Any time that proponents of combining secular governance principles with the (Christian) church profess their belief that this nation should be a religious nation, they should be reminded of the many sins committed by the religious states of the past and how our Constitution was created to prevent those sins from being used against American Read More

Religion in Politics: A History of Faith

March 15th, 2016

Which is more true in today’s political environment: ‘Faith in politics’ or ‘Faith and politics’?  At the heart of this question is what many Americans struggle with every election season, as they are bombarded by the beliefs of candidates for an office that is (perhaps remarkably) still very secular. The original language of the U.S. Read More

Conflict of Religion: Teacher Claims School Violated Constitution


August 27th, 2015

A conflict between Judaism, Christianity and the Constitution has recently been brought to the court system in Colorado.  A Jewish teacher filed a lawsuit against the Fremont RE-2 School District, its superintendent, and its principal for allegedly promoting Christianity in the school.  Whether the school’s actions are a violation of the Constitution will be decided Read More

Christian-only Insurance Plan Must Cease, Judge Rules

Medi-Share Christian insurance plan ordered to close

November 1st, 2012

Judge rules Christian-only plan fails to meet Department of Insurance regulations A Kentucky judge has ruled that a health insurance plan available only to Christians does not meet Department of Insurance regulations. Franklin County Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate said the health insurance program will no longer be allowed to provide coverage for its 800 Kentuckian Read More