Universal Life Church Case Law
Phone: (614) 715-9048 Fax: (614) 715-9049
Email: info@ulccaselaw.com
ULC Case Law
1629 K Street NW, Ste 300
Washington, D.C. 20006

ULC Helps Ease Wedding Officiant Rules In Erie County, NY

ULC ministers in Erie County, New York

June 21st, 2012

It is now possible for Universal Life Church Monastery ministers to perform wedding ceremonies in Erie County, NY without registering as a wedding officiant there. This development occurred thanks to efforts taken by the ULC staff to correct a misunderstanding made by the Erie County clerk’s office. The crux of this misunderstanding was centered around Read More

Kansas governor approves measure blocking Islamic law

Muslim praying in Islamic fashion

June 20th, 2012

Kansas governor Sam Brownback signed a bill on March 26, 2012 that will effectively prevent Kansas courts, agencies and tribunals from basing decisions on the legal codes of foreign countries and, more significantly, of foreign religious groups. The language of this law, which will come into effect on July 1 and was approved with bipartisan Read More

The Laws and Debate Surrounding Bigamy

Marriage Definition, One Man, One Woman

August 3rd, 2011

The Laws and Debate Surrounding Bigamy The Morrill Anti-Bigamy Law and Reynolds v The United States of America Though the debate surrounding marriage is between is contentious however, the idea that it is a practice for two people, and only two people is unquestionably entrenched into the institution. Bigamy, bi- meaning two and -gamy meaning Read More

Group sues to prevent Perry from participating in prayer rally

Texas Governor Rick Perry

July 29th, 2011

Texas governor Rick Perry to hold Evangelical rally in Houston Wisconsin political and religious watchdog group Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a lawsuit with the federal district court in Houston, Texas recently in order to bar Texas governor Rick Perry from participating in a prayer rally which he has organized and promoted. The Freedom From Read More

Removing Prayer from Public Schools: Engel v Vitale

Muslim and Christian parents filed suit against their kids' school for not allowing them to opt out of lessons on gender and sexuality.

July 27th, 2011

In ruling in favor of Engel, the Supreme Court effectively removed sponsored prayer from public schools in Engel v Vitale. In 1962, the US Supreme Court Ruled that prayer in public school was a violation of the Establishment Clause. The Establishment Clause was enacted to prevent any government endorsement of any particular religion. As this Read More

Religious Street Sign Causes Conflict in New York City

Definition of Atheism

July 25th, 2011

Atheists claim “Seven in Heaven Way” violates secular nature of government A street in Brooklyn, New York City was recently rechristened as “Seven in Heaven Way” in honor of seven firefighters who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. The inclusion of the word “Heaven” has drawn criticism from the atheist group New York City Read More

The Defense of Marriage Act

In order to have a complete understanding of religious freedom in the United States, it is important to know as much as possible about how the framers viewed religion

July 22nd, 2011

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is the current law at the Federal level which governs over the institution of marriage. Full Legal Text of the Defense of Marriage Act: History/Background: In 1996, under the Clinton administration, Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act. In section III, this act explicitly defines marriage as a legal Read More

ACLU Threatens High School With Lawsuit Over Location of Graduation Ceremony

ACLU threatens High School Administration Over Location of Graduation Ceremony

July 18th, 2011

Civil liberties watchdog group claims hosting ceremonies in a church-owned property crosses the line dividing church and state Neptune High School of Ocean Grove, NJ has hosted their graduation ceremony in the 6500-seat Great Auditorium for over seven decades. The Great Auditorium, which was built in 1894, is Ocean Grove’s largest venue and can fit Read More

Welcome to the Universal Life Church Case Law Blog!

ULC Case Law Logo

July 17th, 2011

Hello readers! Please check back regularly, as we plan on posting at least once a week to provide new information about State and Federal laws and regulations relating to the Universal Life Church and its ministers as well as information about lawsuits concerning religion freedom. We hope you enjoy the blog and ask you to Read More