Universal Life Church Case Law
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ULC Case Law
1629 K Street NW, Ste 300
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LGBTQ Groups File Lawsuit Against Utah School

LGBTQ flag over Utah

December 7th, 2016

A Utah lawsuit was recently filed by Equality Utah and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, both LGBTQ groups, challenging laws that the groups find to discriminate against LGBTQ students by restricting conversations about homosexuality in schools. The Center has emphasized that existing laws indirectly communicate the message to LGBTQ students to hide their identities. Read More

Louisiana Attorney General Blocks LGBTQ Employment Protection

The city of Charlotte, North Carolina recently passed an anti-discrimination ordinance to protect its LGBTQ citizens from discrimination.

November 30th, 2016

  The Attorney General of Louisiana has blocked at least 37 state government legal contracts because these documents include language designed to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals from discrimination in the workplace. In rejecting these contracts guaranteeing LGBTQ employment protection, the Attorney General argues that these contracts cannot require language protecting LGBTQ people Read More

The Importance of Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College

Courthouse draped in LGBTQ rainbow.

November 25th, 2016

Although Americans are now permitted to marry regardless of sexual orientation, more than half of the states in the United States contain no employment protection laws for members of the LGBTQ community. The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is ready to change this issue in three states which are overseen by Read More

Rare Abortion-Related Homicide Case in New York Court

Doctors performing an abortion on a woman.

November 24th, 2016

  A rare case concerning an abortion-related homicide is currently being heard in a New York court. The case, which is being heard by the Queens Supreme Court, concerns a New York doctor who is facing manslaughter charges after a patient died following an abortion during the patient’s second trimester of pregnancy. The death resulted Read More

National Park Service Considers Naming LGBTQ Locations as Historic Sites

Historic Registry Plaque

November 1st, 2016

  The National Park Service released a study recently on National Coming Out Day that surveys historic sites in the movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer rights for potential preservation and protections. This report marks the first step in potentially recognizing significant sites in the history of LGBTQ rights in the National Historic Read More

The First Amendment Defense Act: Another Tool for Bigotry?

Wedding cake at a marriage ceremony

October 30th, 2016

  Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Obergefell v. Hodges, individuals in every single state are allowed to marry one another regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. This ruling impacted not only a couple’s ability to hold themselves out as legally married in the name of love, but also enables a couple to Read More

Burkini Debates in France: Why a Woman’s Choice of Swimsuit Matters

A muslim woman wearing a hijab.

October 9th, 2016

A “burkini” is a combination of the words “bikini” and “burqa.” While most of us have a very clear understanding of what a bikini is, a burqa is something much different. A burqa is a robe-like garment that some Muslim women wear over their day-to-day clothes. The burqa completely covers the woman, except for her Read More

Same-Sex Marriage: Does the Supreme Court Get the Final Say?

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

September 30th, 2016

During the summer of 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court finally appeared to settle the question of whether or not same-sex marriage is a legal right. In Obergefell v. Hodges, the court decided in a 5-4 ruling, that the Constitution of the United States not only allows, but guarantees the right to same-sex marriage. The court Read More

What are a Prisoners Rights to Religious Practice While Incarcerated?

A prison yard

September 23rd, 2016

As American citizens, we know that our most basic constitutional rights protect freedom of religion as outlined in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment contemplates the separation of church and state, as we have discussed before, and ensures our absolute right to practice a faith of our choosing. The government Read More

North Dakota Pipeline Controversy: Work Crews Destroy Sacred Lands

Protestors at the North Dakota Pipeline

September 21st, 2016

Lately mainstream media has been catching flak for not covering the controversial North Dakota pipeline construction being protested by members of the Rock Sioux tribe. That being said, after gruesome photos of guard dogs with bloodied mouths surfaced and after the pipeline company allegedly bulldozed through native burial sites, larger news outlets are beginning to Read More