Illinois Passes Law Requiring LGBTQ History be Taught in Schools
September 20th, 2019
In a landmark decision that will likely help to promote the advancement of civil rights, Illinois state now requires LGBTQ history be taught in schools.
September 20th, 2019
In a landmark decision that will likely help to promote the advancement of civil rights, Illinois state now requires LGBTQ history be taught in schools.
September 18th, 2019
In August 2019, the Trump Administration received substantial criticism when it proposed a policy that would grant some federal contractors the right to discriminate against individuals who do not share the employers’ religious views. Many organizations who fight for LGBTQ rights have responded that this policy is dangerous, shameless, and unconscionable. This decision also substantially Read More
September 13th, 2019
A high school in Kentucky recently announced that it will not offer a “Bible literacy” course due to legal concerns regarding a 2017 law that permits the teaching of Bible-based electives in Kentucky public schools. Instead of providing this class, the Anderson County High School located in Lawrenceburg decided to offer a “World Religions” course. Read More
September 10th, 2019
Oral arguments in the case of In Re Gestational Agreement occurred before the Utah Supreme Court in 2017. While this was two years ago, the Utah Supreme Court only recently issued an opinion in this case. Even though the resulting opinion is 75 pages, the decision has the potential to greatly impact the lives of Read More
September 6th, 2019
Many public schools in South Dakota noticed something on their first day back to school: the country’s motto “In God We Trust” has been placed on the walls either as a result of paint or stencils. This is because a new state law recently took effect which requires this message to be displayed in areas Read More
August 6th, 2019
In July 2019, more than 200 businesses signed a brief that was filed with the United States Supreme Court in support of three LGBTQ workers who were terminated as a result of their gender identity or sexual orientation. The brief was organized by several LGBTQ civil rights organizations including the Human Rights Campaign and Lambda Read More
August 2nd, 2019
In April 2019, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it will hear three cases concerning LGBT discrimination during its fall term. Each of these cases addresses the question of whether the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from terminating workers as a result of their gender identity or sexual orientation. These Read More
July 30th, 2019
The United States Supreme Court recently agreed to hear a case concerning a 2015 Montana law which allows tax credits to be used for religious school instruction. Montana’s highest court has already struck down the program on the basis that it violates the state’s constitutional ban on providing state aid to religious organizations. The outcome Read More
July 26th, 2019
A florist who declined to create floral arrangements for a same sex wedding has announced plans to appeal her case to the United States Supreme Court after a Washington state court held that the woman violated the state’s civil rights law. As a result, the Supreme Court of the United States now has the chance Read More
July 23rd, 2019
New York legislators in June 2019 passed a bill that will end religious exemptions to vaccinations. This decision came after a series of debates among legislators concerning this exemption, which was used by parents to justify sending unvaccinated children to school or daycare. This bill represents a strong example of how religious rights can come Read More