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Dissent Among US Government Employees is Reaching Dangerous Levels

November 24th, 2023

What happens when diverse views within the United States government become a liability rather than an asset?

The Biden Administration has prided itself on embracing diversity, appointing a wide range of individuals to key government positions. One of the inescapable realities of diversity is not only the variations in skin color or religion but also variable points of view. What happens when government employees begin fighting among themselves over divisive issues like the conflict between Israel and Palestine? What happens when diverse views within the United States government become a liability rather than an asset?

Dissent Within State Department is Apparently “Verging on Mutiny”

While the Biden Administration seems to be walking a precarious balancing act in its approach to the Israel/Gaza conflict, the situation among State Department staff is clearly reaching a tipping point. In fact, numerous reports suggest that the situation is already spiraling into outright mutiny. In public, Biden seems to be offering support to Israel while expressing concerns about the humanitarian concerns in Gaza. Behind the scenes, these two different points of view are dividing government staff into two clear camps. 

The Huffington Post quoted one unnamed State Department official as saying: “There’s basically a mutiny brewing [in the State Department] at all levels.” One State Department official – Josh Paul – has already resigned due to his moral objection to providing weapons to Israel that may be used on civilians. Many other employees have apparently considered quitting their jobs at the State Department for the same reason. Some say that Tom Sullivan, Secretary Blinken’s deputy chief of staff, is causing particularly intense division within the State Department by focusing almost entirely on Israel’s needs.

What Happens When Religious Diversity Causes Internal Division in Our Government?

Regardless of what you believe about the Israel/Gaza conflict, the fact that diversity of opinion could potentially cause a “mutiny” within the State Department should be concerning to all. This should serve as a stark reminder that diversity alone does not automatically lead to better outcomes for the United States. Policies and procedures must be put in place to facilitate greater cooperation and understanding between people with different points of view. Without this level of cohesion, diversity could actually become a liability for our country instead of an asset. 

Christians are Also Voicing Their Opinions

While it may be easy for Muslims or Jews to take their respective sides in the Israel/Gaza conflict, the stance of everyday Christians in the United States is more nuanced. The entire area of Israel and Palestine holds special significance for Christians, as it is the “Holy Land” where so many Biblical events occurred. Seeing such a place of religious and historic importance devastated by bombs and gunfire is horrific for many Christians in the United States. 

According to Premier Christianity Magazine, the best approach is to “pray for peace.” This is a sentiment that many people can agree with, regardless of their religious background. Other Christians are more supportive of Israel, referring to their struggle against Palestine as a “Holy War.” The Pope initially supported Israel’s right to defend itself and called for all hostages to be released. Later, the Vatican issued a separate statement acknowledging the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The Goal of the Universal Life Church’s Blog

Each month, various issues test the nature of religious rights in this country for all religions. The Universal Life Church’s blog is focused on documenting the most noteworthy of these cases in an objective manner that can be easily understood by readers.The Universal Life Church accepts all people from all walks of life, and it remains a staunch supporter of diverse thought and religious expression. 

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