Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘State Laws’ Category.


Church of Satan Continues to Cause Controversy  

The Church of Satan and its supporters continue to cause controversy both in the United States and across the pond.

March 21st, 2025

The Church of Satan is one of the most controversial organizations in the American religious community. But one should remember that it is a legitimate organization – and it is surprisingly organized. Some claim that it is simply a front for atheists who want to make a point. Others seem to be legitimate Satanists who Read More

Religious Lawsuits Filed Over Real Estate Issues

Various lawsuits have been filed against churches involving real estate issues and perceived discrimination or neglect.

February 12th, 2025

Religious lawsuits may involve various issues, including the Constitution, wrongful termination, and discrimination. While real estate is not typically associated with religious lawsuits, two recent cases show that these two areas can intersect. These lawsuits involve situations where churches are involved in property tax exemption and landlord activities.  Atheists Sue City of Madison for Property Read More

Texas Becomes the Latest State to Introduce Religion in Public Schools

Texas becomes the 3rd recent state to introduce religion in public schools, thereby chipping away at the separation between church and state.

December 20th, 2024

Perhaps encouraged by the result of the recent election, lawmakers in Texas are attempting to introduce religion in public schools – joining Oklahoma and Louisiana in a legal effort that is garnering increasing levels of attention around the world. The fact that Texas is taking this step now might imply that they feel confident about Read More

Amish Sue over Traffic Safety Requirement

The Amish community is suing the state of Ohio over its new requirement that they install yellow flashing lights on their buggies.

December 17th, 2024

As many are undoubtedly aware, people in the Amish community prefer not to use modern technology. Their religion places value on older technology, and in some parts of the country, you can see them traveling down roads on horse-drawn buggies. While many pass these buggies with no real issue, there is an obvious risk of Read More

Legal Arguments Louisiana and Oklahoma Could Face in Their Religious Education Lawsuits

Lawsuits are making their way to court after Louisiana and Oklahoma separately mandated religious education in public schooling.

November 5th, 2024

Two US states will face serious legal challenges after attempting to implement religious education into their public school systems. Louisiana wants to display the 10 Commandments in all schools, while Oklahoma plans to create a Bible education mandate. Both decisions have prompted strong criticism from some parents, teachers, and constitutional scholars. What kinds of legal Read More

Florida’s New School Chaplain Program and Why the Satanists are Angry

Florida recently implemented a new school chaplain program, but defined religion in such a way as to exclude non-theist religions.

October 11th, 2024

In April of 2024, Florida gave school districts the right to create their own volunteer school chaplain programs. This is part of Florida HB 931, a broad bill aimed at improving student mental health. One aspect of this overall plan is the widespread implementation of chaplains. However, this is not mandatory for school districts. Despite Read More

Oklahoma Schools Ordered to Incorporate Bible Education

Oklahoma schools have been ordered to incorporate Bible education into the classroom by the state's Superintendent.

July 23rd, 2024

On June 27, 2024, the Superintendent of Oklahoma’s state schools sent a letter to all districts, providing very clear discussions about using the Bible in classroom discussions. According to the Superintendent, the Bible should be viewed as a source of instruction support and an important historical document. All grades from 5 to 12 have been Read More

Louisiana Mandates Display of Ten Commandments in All Public Schools

Louisiana's display mandate for the Ten Commandments has hit a roadblock as concerned parents have filed a lawsuit to block this mandate.

July 2nd, 2024

One of the most fascinating things about our nation is that each state has considerable freedom to set its own laws. When traveling from one end of the country to the other, you might experience drastically different regulations on things like traffic, self-defense, and divorce. However, one common characteristic across all States is the division Read More

North Dakota Doctors are Free to Refuse Certain Treatments to Trans Individuals 

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

April 2nd, 2024

American doctors often find themselves at the forefront of religious lawsuits – and for obvious reasons. The freedom to refuse or provide treatment based on religious belief is one of those legal “grey areas” that has confounded the highest courts for decades. What is more important? The right of the patient to healthcare or the Read More

The Religious Objection to COVID-19 Vaccinations Explained

A Catholic woman was recently awarded $13 million after she was fired over her vaccine refusal during the height of COVID-19.

December 22nd, 2023

Many people in the United States have claimed that they have a religious objection to the Covid-19 vaccine. What exactly does this mean? How can someone object to a vaccine on religious grounds, and what is the connection between an mRNA vaccine and the Christian faith? For those unfamiliar with this debate, the subject can Read More