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Archive for the ‘Separation of church and state’ Category.


South Dakota Public Schools Add “In God We Trust” to Walls

A high school in eastern Kentucky’s Pike County has announced its decision to remove prayer lockers from its hallways after receiving complaints.

September 6th, 2019

Many public schools in South Dakota noticed something on their first day back to school: the country’s motto “In God We Trust” has been placed on the walls either as a result of paint or stencils. This is because a new state law recently took effect which requires this message to be displayed in areas Read More

United States Supreme Court Poised to Hear Religious School Case

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by a Florida town of a lower court's ruling allowing a lawsuit to move forward over a prayer vigil.

July 30th, 2019

The United States Supreme Court recently agreed to hear a case concerning a 2015 Montana law which allows tax credits to be used for religious school instruction. Montana’s highest court has already struck down the program on the basis that it violates the state’s constitutional ban on providing state aid to religious organizations. The outcome Read More

Health and Human Services Department Passes Religious Conscience Rule

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

July 10th, 2019

The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced the issuance of a new final conscience rule, which is designed to protect individuals and health care entities from discrimination claims on the basis of their exercise of conscience in HHS funded programs. The conscience rule implements full enforcement of 25 provisions passed Read More

Catholic School Sues City Claiming Intrusion of Rights

A Catholic school has sued an Ohio city over its LGBT non-discrimination ordinance, claiming its First Amendment rights are being violated by the ordinance.

June 28th, 2019

An independent Catholic school in South Euclid, Ohio and the non-profit legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom recently initiated a lawsuit against the city of South Euclid on the basis that certain regulations created by a city ordinance in 2018 infringe on the school’s First Amendment and religious liberty rights. Even though it is still uncertain Read More

Illinois Township Asked to Stop Sponsoring Religious Trips

LifeWise Academy requested that Hilliard City Schools in Ohio let students choose to receive religious programming at off-site locations.

June 21st, 2019

A town in Illinois was recently asked by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) to stop sponsoring religious trips to creationist museums as well as other religious performances. The trip in question included visits to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, which are located in a nearby Kentucky city. This trip highlights some of the Read More

Ohio School Requested to Remove Ten Commandments Display

LifeWise Academy requested that Hilliard City Schools in Ohio let students choose to receive religious programming at off-site locations.

May 14th, 2019

The Freedom from Religion Foundation in April 2019 requested that a public school in New Philadelphia, Ohio remove a plaque displaying the Ten Commandments.

Education Department Lifts Prohibition on Religious Organizations

In a religious rights case coming before the Supreme Court, the conservative majority will most likely further entrench government support of religion.

May 3rd, 2019

On the basis of a recent decision by the United States Supreme Court, the United States Education Department recently announced that religiously affiliated organizations will become eligible to offer services to low-income students attending private schools. This law will substantially change the level of interaction that religious organizations have with educational institutions in the country. Read More

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Football Prayer Case

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by a Florida town of a lower court's ruling allowing a lawsuit to move forward over a prayer vigil.

February 13th, 2019

The United States Supreme Court recently declined to hear an appeal by a high school football coach who was dismissed by his school district because the man prayed on the field immediately following football games. This decision occurred despite commentary by four of the Supreme Court justices that they were troubled by the coach’s dismissal Read More

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules on Prayer Issue

Oklahoma considers a bill that would permit fining teachers if they provide opposing views to the religious beliefs of students. 

January 30th, 2019

The United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently supported a ruling by a three-judge panel that prohibits a California district from continuing its prayer policy. In arriving at this decision, the Ninth Circuit explained why the prayers in this prayer policy differed from legislative chaplain prayers which were upheld by the United States Supreme Read More

Montana Court Strikes Down Tax Credit

A Catholic school has sued an Ohio city over its LGBT non-discrimination ordinance, claiming its First Amendment rights are being violated by the ordinance.

January 1st, 2019

The Montana Supreme Court recently struck down a tax credit for donations that fund scholarships for students at private schools on the basis that these credits are a type of unconstitutional aid offered to attend religiously affiliated schools. In its decision, the court said that the $150 tax credit is designed to aid private schools Read More