Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Religious Law’ Category.


Wheaton College Sues Obama Administration Over Health Care Law

contraception pills in packaging

July 24th, 2012

Wheaton College is a small, liberal arts college located in the Midwestern United States. It is also an evangelical Protestant college with strong religious views. Last Wednesday, the college filed a law suit, under the auspices of the Catholic University of America, opposing President Obama’s new health care plan mandate that requires all schools, charities Read More

Is German Ban On Circumcision A Violation Of Religious Law?

Circumcision ban violation of religious law

June 26th, 2012

A district court in Cologne, Germany ruled today that parents should not have the legal privilege to have their sons circumcised on religious grounds. The basis for the ruling was that parents should not be able to subject their children to the “minor bodily harm” caused by the circumcision procedure, regardless of the privileges otherwise Read More

Kansas governor approves measure blocking Islamic law

Muslim praying in Islamic fashion

June 20th, 2012

Kansas governor Sam Brownback signed a bill on March 26, 2012 that will effectively prevent Kansas courts, agencies and tribunals from basing decisions on the legal codes of foreign countries and, more significantly, of foreign religious groups. The language of this law, which will come into effect on July 1 and was approved with bipartisan Read More