Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Federal Law’ Category.


New EB-4 Visa Changes Could Force Religious Workers to Leave

New immigration changes regarding the EB-4 visa are putting religious workers' employment in a precarious position.

September 24th, 2024

Immigration and religious rights rarely intersect, but there are a few exceptions. One of these exceptions became clear when a group of religious workers sued the U.S. Government due to new visa rules. These religious workers claim that the recent changes may force them to leave the country, with some sources referring to it as Read More

IHOP Owner Settles Religious Discrimination Lawsuit

In August of 2024, it was reported that an IHOP worker had received a settlement of $40,000 after filing an employment lawsuit.

September 20th, 2024

For thousands of years, Sunday has enjoyed a special significance in Western societies. According to various religious teachings, the Earth itself was created on a Sunday. What does this mean for workers in the United States? Do all workers receive Sundays off? What happens when your employer attempts to force you to work on a Read More

Two Teachers Sue After Being Fired for Refusing to Use Pronouns

Religious parents are suing their school district in order to opt their children out of sexual orientation & gender identity education.

September 17th, 2024

In theory, everyone in the United States enjoys freedom of speech. As long as they are not inciting violence or threatening others, Americans are free to speak their mind – even if it offends other people. Some might argue that freedom of speech is especially important when people get offended, as this constitutional protection would Read More

What is the Definition of an “Undue Hardship” in a Religious Discrimination Lawsuit?

The Trump Administration has signed an executive order that will pave the way to legalize transgender discrimination.

April 16th, 2024

As an American worker, you may be aware that your employer cannot discriminate against you for religious reasons. If you request an exemption to certain workplace requirements due to religious reasons, your employer may be legally obliged to respect your faith. The word “may” is very important in this context since US employers can avoid Read More

Beards: The Surprising Reason Behind Many Religious Lawsuits

Religious adherents of various faiths continue to face discrimination due to their beards, as one Christian man recently found out.

January 11th, 2024

For the entirety of human civilization, people have been voicing various opinions about beards. The people of Ancient Mesopotamia clearly had an affinity for beards – and various carvings highlight this with clarity. However, some Sumerians eventually started shaving – and the trend continued into Egypt and Ancient Rome. The Romans were the first to Read More

Religious Organizations Face Consequences for Alleged Financial Crimes

A lawsuit over tithing against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints resulted in a hearing this month in federal court.

November 28th, 2023

While religious organizations in the United States enjoy many financial freedoms and exceptions, these organizations still run the risk of serious consequences if they operate in an unlawful manner. This was made clear after two religious organizations in the United States were accused of financial crimes.  Christian University Accused of Financial Crimes over Tuition Tuition Read More

Muslims Sue Two of America’s Top Employers for Religious Discrimination

Chipotle and Blackwell Security Services were recently sued by the EEOC for discrimination against Muslims.

November 10th, 2023

While the United States was founded on Christian values, it is not a Christian nation. In fact, the nation’s laws clearly highlight the fact that it has no state religion. This means that while no religion enjoys special treatment under the law, each religion must also be treated equally. And although Christians take the headlines Read More

EEOC Files a Slew of Religious Discrimination Lawsuits

Multiple businesses are facing religious discrimination lawsuits from the EEOC after instituting COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

November 3rd, 2023

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – also known simply as the “EEOC” is responsible for rooting out all forms of discrimination in America’s many workplaces. Although racial or sexual discrimination often makes headlines, religious discrimination is also apparently quite common across the United States. This was made clear after the EEOC recently filed a slew Read More

Southwest Airlines Lawyers Ordered to Undergo “Religious Liberty Training”

An Orthodox Jew Is suing JetBlue after the airline kicked him off the plane for refusing to sit next to a woman.

October 17th, 2023

It should come as no surprise that different judges may rule very differently in religious rights cases. Some may attempt to balance the rights of various religious and non-religious perspectives, while others may be very enthusiastic about defending religious freedom for conservative Christians. Whatever the case may be, decisions are almost always guaranteed to spark Read More

Biden Administration Stops Pushing Gender Transition Care Mandate

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

July 12th, 2023

The intersection of medical care and religious care has always been somewhat contentious. However, the medical world has a long history of involvement with various religions. The Knights Hospitallers gained fame during the medieval period for building hospitals throughout the known world while also participating in religious and military crusades. Nuns and other religious organizations Read More