Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘religious beliefs’


Was the United States Founded as a Christian Nation?

While America is not a Christian Nation from a constitutional standpoint, the drumbeat of those arguing otherwise is getting louder.

March 22nd, 2024

Ask any constitutional scholar about America’s official religion, and they will likely tell you that it has none. This is, of course, written into the Constitution, and since its inception, the government has been very careful to separate church and state. However, not everyone agrees with this time-honored principle – and some argue that the Read More

Are the LGBTQ-Inclusive Policies of the Vatican Accepted in the United States?

The Vatican raised eyebrows recently when it announced transgender individuals can be baptized and become godparents.

December 1st, 2023

Catholicism is one of the strictest religions on the planet, and it has a history of excommunicating segments of the population (or entire nations, as the English can attest). There are reportedly 62 million Catholics in the United States and not all of these individuals always see eye-to-eye with the Vatican. A certain degree of controversy is Read More

Could Missouri’s Abortion Ban Be Overturned?

When religious beliefs conflict with medical science, courts may need to step in. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are one example.

February 10th, 2023

Abortion is always a complex topic to discuss – no matter which side of the debate you find yourself on. It seems clear that some people will never agree on the outcome of Roe v. Wade or its recent overturning. While some states have continued to allow abortions, or even moved to expand abortion access, others have Read More

Teacher Suspended for Religious Discussion with Students

Religious parents are suing their school district in order to opt their children out of sexual orientation & gender identity education.

November 22nd, 2019

A high school teacher in North Carolina was recently suspended for splitting students up based on religious beliefs. School officials are currently investigating whether the Spanish teacher engaged in conversations with students about whether or not they believed in God. Officials became aware of the teacher’s behavior after students and their parents reported the incident Read More

Washington Florist Plans to Appeal to US Supreme Court

A Texas judicial commission recently announced that a Waco-based judge's refusal to perform same-sex weddings violates Obergefell v. Hodges.

July 26th, 2019

A florist who declined to create floral arrangements for a same sex wedding has announced plans to appeal her case to the United States Supreme Court after a Washington state court held that the woman violated the state’s civil rights law.  As a result, the Supreme Court of the United States now has the chance Read More

Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act

A bill just passed by the Georgia Senate allows adoption organizations to discriminate against LGBT parents if they invoke sincerely-held religious beliefs.

March 16th, 2018

  Georgia’s Senate recently passed a bill, referred to as SB 375 or the “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act,” that has the potential to enable child welfare organizations to prevent same-sex parents from adopting a child based on the organization’s beliefs. If the bill passes through the Georgia House, adoption organizations would Read More

Is Refusing Medical Care for Your Child a Religious Freedom?

A burial law in Ohio mandates that fetal tissue be buried or cremated.

May 27th, 2016

Just recently, Mariah Walton publicly exclaimed that she plans to prosecute her parents for failing to seek medical care for her when she was a minor. Mariah, now 20, has pulmonary hypertension, and must carry an oxygen tank around with her (when she is not bedridden) so that she can breathe. Mariah alleges that her Read More

Religion Takes Center Stage At Amish Hair Cutting Trial

The Jewish population in the United States continues to face religious discrimination as two recent cases reveal.

August 29th, 2012

In a recent criminal court case, which concerns a religious dispute between different Amish sects, an Amish bishop by the name of Raymond Hershberger claimed that a group that broke off from his community to form their own Amish sect in eastern Ohio attacked him. The son of Mr. Hershberger, Andy Hershberger, testified against this Read More