Universal Life Church Case Law
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Posts tagged ‘hate crime’


In the United States, You May Face Hate Crime Charges for Fighting Satanism

The Church of Satan and its supporters continue to cause controversy both in the United States and across the pond.

March 14th, 2024

Many Americans forget that the United States is a constitutionally secular republic with no official religion. Although one might argue that the country was founded on Christian values, the government is usually careful to separate church and state. Any overlap between these two realms can potentially lead to lawsuits – and we have certainly seen Read More

Iowa Man Faces Charges After Burning LGBT Pride Banner

LGBTQ Seniors in New York state will now have greater access to services including mental and physical care, low-cost meals, and caregivers.

February 12th, 2020

In December 2019, several reports began circulating that a man in Iowa was given a 16-year prison sentence for burning an LGBT rainbow flag.

Tennessee Becomes First Southern State With Transgender Protection Law

One member of a same-sex couple in Alaska was recently denied her 2019 Permanent Fund dividends because of an outdated law prohibiting same-sex marriage.

May 10th, 2019

Tennessee recently became the first state in the southern part of the country with an affirmation of transgender protection with regards to hate crime law. The term “transgender” includes individuals who have a gender identity or expression that is different from the gender the person was assigned at birth. How Tennessee Previously Handled Transgender Protection Read More

What is a Hate Crime?

Love Not Fear Logo

September 17th, 2016

Oklahoma is often in the news with regards to religious matters and we have even recently discussed the state’s controversial handling of religious Christian symbolism in the form of the Ten Commandments being placed upon the Capitol’s lawn. You can read about that matter here. Recently, a tragic story made headlines when a man who Read More