Universal Life Church Case Law
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Email: info@ulccaselaw.com
ULC Case Law
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Washington, D.C. 20006

Posts tagged ‘catholic’


Indiana School Suspends Teacher Over Same-Sex Marriage

Various lawsuits have been filed against churches involving real estate issues and perceived discrimination or neglect.

October 26th, 2018

Recently in Indiana, a Catholic high school teacher was placed on administrative leave after it was determined that she had had a same-sex marriage. The school responded that workers are expected to support the Catholic Church’s doctrines including that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Later, the teacher communicated through Facebook that Read More

Practicing Religion in America: Religious Customs in the News

religion in America

September 21st, 2015

There has been a lot of news coverage stemming from the Supreme Court’s most recent decision on marriage, and the lawsuits that have been filed in its wake.  Maybe it’s because it has been rare in the past few decades for an issue to arise that affects individuals on such a raw, personal area such Read More