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Posts tagged ‘anti-LGBT law’


Anti-LGBT Group Sues Tampa for Banning Conversion Therapy

Legislators in New York passed a prohibition on “gay and trans panic” defenses in criminal cases in an attempt to end discriminatory legal strategies.

February 8th, 2018

An anti-LGBT group called Liberty Counsel recently initiated a legal action against the city of Tampa, Florida for banning conversion therapy. This legal action comes after the Tampa City Council unanimously passed Ordinance 2017-47 which prohibits any type of counseling procedure or process that has the goal of changing a person’s gender expression, gender identity, Read More

Mississippi’s Religious Exemption Law May Head to Supreme Court

A Colorado baker is facing a lawsuit again, this time for his refusal to bake a cake for a transgender transition celebration.

December 15th, 2017

Mississippi’s HB 1523 is a religious exemption law that passed in 2016 as a response to the US Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to allow same-sex couples to marry nationwide.  It is a virulently anti-LGBTQ law that allows both government workers and private companies to refuse to offer their services to LGBTQ individuals on the basis Read More

Michigan Civil Rights Commission Urged to Adopt Interpretive Statement

Because same-sex marital rights also arise from the same 14th amendment protections cited in Roe, LGBTQ+ individuals are worried.

November 28th, 2017

In two letters from August, 41 House and Senate members urged the Michigan Civil Rights Commission to adopt an interpretive statement to expand a law’s application. Concurrently, the group Equality Michigan asked the commission to contemplate whether they should investigate sexual orientation and gender identity complaints under the definition of sex discrimination that is already Read More

Louisiana Court Debates Executive Order Concerning LGBTQ Rights

Because same-sex marital rights also arise from the same 14th amendment protections cited in Roe, LGBTQ+ individuals are worried.

October 31st, 2017

Louisiana’s governor and attorney general are currently debating whether an executive order designed to protect LGBTQ rights in the state government violated constitutional issues. Louisiana’s Governor Edwards has requested an appeals court to reinstate a 2016 order by the governor banning discrimination in government and state contracts based on sexual orientation and gender identity. A Read More

Anti-LGBTQ Laws in the United States

Because same-sex marital rights also arise from the same 14th amendment protections cited in Roe, LGBTQ+ individuals are worried.

October 12th, 2017

There are a number of laws throughout the United States which currently endanger the lives of individuals who identify as LGBTQ. Sadly, an increasing number of states are in the process of developing additional laws that restrict the rights of LGBTQ individuals. The Washington Post reports that 348 bills since 2013 have been passed restricting Read More

Texas Supreme Court Rules Spousal Benefits Don’t Extend to Same-Sex Couples

Citing a recent Supreme Court decision, Michigan will revert to contracting with adoption agencies that decline to offer same-sex adoption.

August 3rd, 2017

The Texas Supreme Court recently declined to extend spousal benefits to same-sex couples. In a unanimous decision, the Texas Supreme Court reversed a lower court’s decision to extend health and life insurance benefits to same-sex spouses of city employees. The Facts of the Case In 2013, the mayor of Houston ordered the city to extend Read More

The First Amendment Defense Act

The Civil Rights Act encompasses discrimination against LGBTQ workers, the Supreme Court has held.

June 21st, 2017

The First Amendment Defense Act is proposed legislation that has encountered several obstacles in the course of the Act’s attempt to become a bill. The First Amendment Defense Act prohibits the federal government from taking any type of action against an individual or corporation that discriminates against LGBTQ individuals. More specifically, the First Amendment Defense Read More

Potential Executive Order by President Trump Targets LGBTQ Individuals


June 7th, 2017

Several members of the House of Representatives are urging President Trump to institute an executive order that would greatly impact LGBTQ individuals. A draft of the executive order, which released earlier this year, allowed federal employees, contractors, and grantees a “reasonable accommodation” to make decisions while on the job. When interacting with the public or Read More

Repeal of North Carolina House Bill 2 Fails

A public restroom

February 8th, 2017

An effort to end the North Carolina HB2 law, referred to as the “bathroom bill,” recently failed. The proposed repeal would have ended a compromised law that targets LGBTQ individuals, but opposing sides in the debate failed to do anything. The debate concerning HB2 is particularly complicated and involves a variety of laws, parties with Read More

Potential Upcoming Changes to LGBTQ Law

LGBTQ individual at a gay pride parade

February 8th, 2017

  As Inauguration Day has come and gone, the legislature of the United States has switched presidents and political parties, meaning LGBTQ law is likely to change. Proposed changes in legislation under this new administration will affect individuals of a variety of sexes, races, religions, and ethnicities. Individuals who are interested in LGBTQ rights should Read More