Debate Ensues after Prayer Circle Held at Michigan School
October 23rd, 2018

Michigan’s Lake City community is responding after the school removed a video depicting a “family prayer circle” from social media.
Michigan’s Lake City community is responding after the local high school removed a video depicting a “family circle” from social media. This “family circle” occurred at a football field where coaches, players, and fans held hands to pray for the coach’s daughter, who is in the hospital. Despite the small size of the community, the campaign for the hospitalized girl has gained significant media attention and even resulted in #HarperStrong hashtags being used throughout the area. Debate currently rages, however, about whether the family circle went too far and violated the Constitutional barrier between church and state.
Response Against the Use of a Family Prayer Circle
The Freedom from Religion Foundation reports that the event was unlawful because it was a religious event that was held on school grounds. While the school is permitted to get involved with the campaign for the hospitalized girl in many ways, this prayer at school involved sponsoring religion, according to the Foundation. In support of its argument, the Freedom from Religion Foundation has commented that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the government from endorsing religions and instead requires the government to be neutral with regard to religion.
The Community’s Response to Objections
Community members in Lake City have expressed frustration over the removal of these videos. Rather than acknowledge the barrier between religion and school, the community has responded that outside influencers should stay out of this community. One parent at the school even responded that while a pastor was involved in the prayer, it was never advertised as a prayer event, but was merely a family circle coming together to support the sick girl’s family.
Response to the Video
To avoid any costly litigation, the school agreed to take down video of the family circle from social media. While acknowledging that this decision was done at the recommendation of the school’s legal counsel, the school has also noted that this decision would not have been their personal preference. Instead, the Lake City school has commented that it will not stop showing support for the community. The Freedom from Religion Foundation has also sent several warnings to the Lake City school, but has said that it does not plan on pursuing a lawsuit currently. It remains uncertain how these matters will resolve and whether the Lake City school will end up facing legal penalties as a result of this behavior. The Freedom from Religion Foundation has also applauded the support of the community and recommended that the school find ways to express its support without the involvement of religion.
Continue Reading the Universal Life Church’s Blog
The required separation between church and state has existed since the creation of the Constitution, but each year numerous challenges are made to the extent of these laws. Fortunately, by reading the Universal Life Church’s blog, you can remain up to date with various developments in this field of law.
(image courtesy of Jack Sharp)