Catholic Wins $13 Million Over COVID Vaccine Refusal: Is This Just the Beginning?
December 5th, 2024

During the pandemic, the prospect of vaccine-related lawsuits loomed large. While many people focused on the possibility of vaccine injury lawsuits, others wondered whether they could eventually sue for wrongful termination over their vaccine refusal. Across the United States, countless individuals refused to take the vaccine on religious grounds and were subsequently fired. A recent $13-million legal victory suggests that these wrongful termination lawsuits are indeed possible. This could open the floodgates to many other “nuclear verdicts.”
Remote Worker Sues Her Employer After Being Fired for Vaccine Refusal
In November of 2024, numerous sources stated that a Catholic woman from Michigan had won $13 million after suing her employer. While working as a remote worker for a major health insurance company, she refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine and was fired as a result. She requested a faith-based exemption for her vaccine refusal, stating that she was concerned about her belief that fetal cells had been used in the development of the vaccine. She also explained to her employer that she felt like taking the vaccine would be participating in abortion, something she didn’t believe in as a Catholic. This was despite the fact that the Pope and other Catholic leaders explicitly implored Catholics to get the vaccine, calling it “an act of love.”
Despite the employee’s concerns, the IT worker was promptly fired in 2022. The employee then filed a religious discrimination lawsuit and claimed victory a few years later. In total, she received $1.7 million in front pay and back pay damages – plus another $1 million in non-economic damages. But the real payout was in punitive damages, to the tune of $10 million.
The existence of high punitive damages implies that the court was trying to send a message with this verdict. Punitive damages are only awarded in cases where defendants act maliciously or recklessly. This case essentially made an example of the defendant, showing that employers who violate their employees’ religious freedoms face serious punishment.
In a statement, the defendant stated that it was reviewing its legal options after the court decision – and that it was disappointed with how the jurors saw the case.
Will More Nuclear Verdicts Follow?
With this ruling, many wonder whether more courts will rule in similar ways. Countless people were fired for refusing the vaccine after claiming religious exemptions. If every single one of these people receives a $13 million award, this could become among the largest payouts ever by the business world.
Hundreds of other workers have received settlements for wrongful termination after making similar arguments, but the recent verdict made headlines because of its high dollar value. Hundreds of other suits are still pending. Now that this woman has received over $10 million, what if the other plaintiffs receive similar awards?
The existence of punitive damages in the recent case shows that there is little room for doubt about the employer’s negligence. With few questions about undue burdens and other constitutional concerns, one would assume that the other cases will be relatively “open-and-shut.”
One thing is for sure: If there is another pandemic (as many predict), companies will probably be much more careful about enforcing vaccine mandates.
Following Religious Rights Cases
The question of religious exemptions to mandatory vaccinations has yet to be fully resolved in the United States. The basis of religious rights originated in the US Constitution, but there continue to be various challenges each week that test the exact limits and nature of religious rights in this country. The Universal Life Church’s blog focuses on documenting the most noteworthy of these cases. We strive to detail cases in a way that examines both sides to a matter as well as explains even the most complex issues in a way that can be quickly understood by readers.