Universal Life Church Case Law
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Archive for the ‘Federal Law’ Category.


Oklahoma Highest Court Says Ten Commandments “Not OK”

ten commandments

September 9th, 2015

There is arguably no constitutional amendment that causes more division among people because of its own provisions than that caused by the First Amendment.  As much as one group of individuals looks to the text of the amendment to protect one set of rights, another group seeks the same protection from a different portion of Read More

Protest or Religious Gathering?

westboro baptist church

June 11th, 2015

Every time a group such as the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is in the news for some new, outrageous “protest” that their members engage in, many people wonder just how this organization is allowed under the law to do what it does.  This often leads to discussions on other groups, whose messages and beliefs run Read More

The Interplay of Freedoms: Religion, Speech and Non-Discrimination

March 9th, 2015

The Constitution of the United States is one of the most unique governing documents in modern political history.  It is over 200 years old yet it is still looked to by world leaders and citizens alike to provide guidance on what is considered lawful behavior.  While there is arguably little in the way of step Read More

Will Same-Sex Marriage Be Legal Across the United States by the End of 2015?

January 19th, 2015

On New Year’s Day Florida became the 36th state to legalize same-sex marriage.  The progress made towards legalizing gay marriage in 2014 has made it known as the year for gay marriage and left many wondering if 2015 will be the year when every state will unite for marriage equality across the country.  The Universal Read More

Gun Law Changes Since Sandy Hook

Photo of guns

January 13th, 2015

Over two years ago Universal Life Church asked for its ministry to support changes in state and federal law gun legislation in the wake of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado where a gunman at a local theater killed 12 and injured 70 others.  Shortly after the shooting at Aurora the country itself grieving for the Read More

Religious Leaders, Universal Life Church Call For Tighter Gun Controls In Wake Of Colorado Shooting

Universal Life Church and gun control

July 20th, 2012

Many left-leaning religious leaders are already speaking out against the proliferation of guns in America following the violence that occurred in the early hours of the morning on Friday, July 20 in Aurora, Colorado when James Holmes, 24, walked into a movie theater there and opened fire. In the resulting chaos, 10 people – men, Read More