Universal Life Church Case Law
Phone: (614) 715-9048 Fax: (614) 715-9049
Email: info@ulccaselaw.com
ULC Case Law
1629 K Street NW, Ste 300
Washington, D.C. 20006

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Bride and Groom Exhange Vows While Holding Hands. Minister is officiating while man and woman exhange vows showing their commitment. Black and white image converted from 14-bit RAW file. ProPhoto RGB color space.

Recent Posts

  • A federal judge has sided with Washington State over its firing of a football coach who refused vaccination based on religious grounds. Federal Judge Finds “No Basis” For Coach’s Vaccination Refusal on Religious Grounds 01/14/2025

    Over the past year or so, numerous stories have emerged about the refusal of vaccine mandates on religious grounds. Various cases have made it clear that Americans have the right to refuse vaccine mandates if they have legitimate religious objections. However, one report tells a very different story – and it shows that people cannot Read More

  • More religious vaccine exemption lawsuits are coming down the legal pipeline. More EEOC Religious Vaccine Exemption Lawsuits Filed 01/07/2025

    The EEOC is continuing to hold employers accountable for failing to provide workers with a religious vaccine exemption. Over the past few months, employers have been sued for millions of dollars for violating these religious rights – and the lawsuits show no sign of slowing down. Indeed, these lawsuits could be just the beginning – Read More

  • A Satanic monument has gone up next to a nativity scene in NH, indicating that the First Amendment is alive and well in one New England town. Satanic Monument Displayed Alongside Nativity Scene in New Hampshire 12/24/2024

    Although Christmas is not usually associated with Satanism, at least one state is bringing both together in a public display. As of this writing, a Baphomet Satanic monument sits alongside a nativity scene at Concord City Hall Plaza in New Hampshire. This has prompted numerous headlines and various responses across the nation. Putting the controversy Read More

  • Texas becomes the 3rd recent state to introduce religion in public schools, thereby chipping away at the separation between church and state. Texas Becomes the Latest State to Introduce Religion in Public Schools 12/20/2024

    Perhaps encouraged by the result of the recent election, lawmakers in Texas are attempting to introduce religion in public schools – joining Oklahoma and Louisiana in a legal effort that is garnering increasing levels of attention around the world. The fact that Texas is taking this step now might imply that they feel confident about Read More

  • The Amish community is suing the state of Ohio over its new requirement that they install yellow flashing lights on their buggies. Amish Sue over Traffic Safety Requirement 12/17/2024

    As many are undoubtedly aware, people in the Amish community prefer not to use modern technology. Their religion places value on older technology, and in some parts of the country, you can see them traveling down roads on horse-drawn buggies. While many pass these buggies with no real issue, there is an obvious risk of Read More

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