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Religious Parents Unite to Opt-Out of Lessons on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

March 18th, 2025

Religious parents are suing their school district in order to opt their children out of sexual orientation & gender identity education.
Religious parents are suing their school district in order to opt their children out of sexual orientation & gender identity education.

Education on sexual orientation & gender identity (SOGI) is one the most controversial issues in American elementary schools today. Parents on both sides of this issue feel strongly about it, but perhaps the most interesting element of this story is the way in which it has united people of various faiths. Those who are most opposed to SOGI education include Muslim, Catholic, and Orthodox parents – faiths that have a long history of opposing each other on many other issues. 

The Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case Involving Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Education

In January 2025, the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear a case involving mandatory Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity education in Maryland elementary schools. The outcome of this case could determine whether American parents have a right to opt their children out of such lessons. The Catholic News Agency claims that this type of education “promotes homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual content.” 

The case stems from a lawsuit in Montgomery County, Maryland. After being told that they could not stop their children from attending SOGI classes, parents of various faiths decided to sue the Board of Education. These parents were of various religious faiths, including Catholicism, the Orthodox Church, and Islam. Religious freedom is a central aspect of this case, but parents are also fighting for a more basic right: The freedom to decide when – and how – their children learn about sensitive sexual topics.

Popular Opinion Is on the Parents’ Side

A recent poll found that the vast majority of parents believe that they should have the right to opt out of this type of education. In Montgomery County, children as young as three years old must attend these classes – and their parents have no right to stand in the way. At the heart of this issue is a question: Do Americans want the government to play a more central role in raising the next generation? Does the state have a right to impart an ideology that is diametrically opposed to various religious teachings? Or should parents have the right to control the child-raising process and introduce the next generation to new ideas regarding sexuality? 

It is worth noting that the parents in this lawsuit are not asking for the Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity classes to be banned outright. They are simply asking for the right to opt their children out of these classes. In addition, the parents are allegedly not trying to have controversial books banned from the schools.

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Each month, various cases test the nature of religious rights in this country. While the basis for many religious rights is the United States Constitution, there are still countless cases that question the exact nature of these rights. The Universal Life Church’s blog is focused on documenting the most noteworthy of these cases in an objective manner that can be easily understood by readers.

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