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Colorado Baker Wins Second Religious Lawsuit

October 25th, 2024

The Colorado baker at the center of one of the most famous LGBTQ legal cases has won a second lawsuit allowing him to discriminate.

One of the most famous legal cases in recent memory was Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. This lawsuit dates back to 2012, and it involves a Colorado baker refusing to create a custom cake for a gay couple. Although the baker initially lost the discrimination lawsuit, he successfully appealed to the Supreme Court and won a 7-2 decision in 2018. This proved to be an important case regarding the right to free exercise and the right to free speech. Today, the same baker is back in the news after winning a second lawsuit under similar circumstances. 

“Enough Is Enough” Says Lawyer for Colorado Baker

In October of 2024, various sources reported that the Masterpiece Cakeshop had scored a second important victory in the Colorado Supreme Court. The court decided to dismiss a lawsuit stemming from the baker’s refusal to create a custom “gender transition” cake on the grounds of his religious beliefs. This is the second lawsuit the Colorado baker has faced since 2012, and this 12-year battle prompted his lawyer to say, “Enough is enough:”

“[The defendant] has been dragged through courts for over a decade. It’s time to leave him alone.”

One of the most overlooked aspects of the baker’s initial 2018 victory was that it didn’t fully answer certain legal questions. Observers immediately noted that the door was left open for future lawsuits under the same circumstances – and at least one customer decided to try their luck. The unanswered question here is simple:

What gets more protection under U.S. law: The right to religious freedom or the right to be protected from LGBTQ discrimination? 

Unfortunately, that question remains unanswered – even with the recent dismissal of the gender transition cake lawsuit. As Deseret notes, the lawsuit was dismissed on procedural grounds, implying that the baker may face identical anti-discrimination lawsuits in the future. 

The baker has explained his stance on the issue many times, stating in 2018: 

“[…] I can’t create or express every message […] the government should not force me to speak a message I don’t agree with.”

Why Not Buy a Cake Somewhere Else?

Many observers have wondered why LGBTQ individuals are choosing to order their cakes from a baker who has clearly established anti-LGBTQ views. Why not simply purchase your cake from a different store? 

On the one hand, LGBTQ individuals argue that this issue is no longer about the cake – it is about winning a legal battle and fighting for what they believe in. 

On the other hand, critics point out that LGBTQ individuals seem to be specifically targeting this baker. While the first gay couple can realistically claim that they were unaware of the baker’s faith, this is now one of the most well-known cases in American history. 

Indeed, the individual who filed the gender transition cake openly admitted that she specifically sought out the Masterpiece Bakeshop in order to “challenge” the baker’s religious freedoms assertions. 

At the end of the day, this issue will likely remain controversial for many years to come. The lack of a decisive ruling leaves the door open to future lawsuits. Even if the Colorado baker claims that he wants nothing more than to be left alone, he is likely committed to a lifetime of legal battles. 

Continue Reading the Universal Life Chuch’s Blog

After its 2015 Obergefell ruling, the United States Supreme Court gained several new conservative justices. As a result, many people fear that the Court will revisit LGBTQ+ issues it has already ruled on and issue new rulings curtailing LGBTQ+ rights. The Universal Life Church’s blog focuses on documenting the most noteworthy LGBTQ+ cases. We strive to do so in a way that objectively examines both sides and can easily be understood by readers.

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