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Florida’s New School Chaplain Program and Why the Satanists are Angry

October 11th, 2024

The state of Oklahoma recently approved the first-ever fully publicly-funded religious charter school in the nation.
Florida recently implemented a new school chaplain program, but defined religion in such a way as to exclude non-theist religions.

In April of 2024, Florida gave school districts the right to create their own volunteer school chaplain programs. This is part of Florida HB 931, a broad bill aimed at improving student mental health. One aspect of this overall plan is the widespread implementation of chaplains. However, this is not mandatory for school districts. Despite the fact that Florida is not “enforcing” the implementation of chaplains, this development has sparked considerable criticism in many circles – including Satanist groups. Why are they angry? And what exactly is a chaplain, anyway?

The School Chaplain Program Explained

A chaplain is simply a religious representative attached to an institution of some kind. This institution is generally secular, and common examples include schools, workplaces, and military units. Military chaplains are some of the most ancient, having served in the English armies since at least the 8th century. Many countries, including Ireland, Scotland, and Australia, have a long history of embracing chaplains in schools. Some of these countries fund their chaplain programs with federal funds. 

The specific role of a school chaplain may vary. Some help students with the most distressing moments of their lives, perhaps after losing a loved one. Chaplains may also mentor students. Generally speaking, chaplains form a connection between the school, its students, and the community. In many countries (but not all), chaplains are not allowed to attempt to convert students. 

Satanists Criticize Florida for Redefining “Religion”

When states attempt to pass bills like this, they often draw the attention of the Satanic Temple. Almost inevitably, the Satanists attempt to exercise the same rights as other religious groups – perhaps by creating a new “After School Satan Club” to rival the Christian or Jewish clubs. 

However, it seems that DeSantis saw this move coming – and he redefined the word “religion” to prevent any Satanist chaplains from volunteering. Under this bill, a “religion” must involve the worship of at least one supernatural entity. The Satanists are famously non-theistic, so they are automatically excluded from this program. This is despite the fact that Satanism is recognized as a religion under federal law. 

The Satanists are not happy about this. Inevitably, people are threatening to sue for First Amendment violations. The co-founder of the Satanic Temple explained:

“You’re voting on a policy that is unpopular, divisive, poorly planned, obviously dishonest in its goals, unnecessary, and introduces new risks to children, even if you are allowed to implement it. The reality is, you’ll have to accommodate religious identities you may not agree with. You will end up with Satanist chaplains.”

Satanists Aren’t the Only Ones Criticizing the School Chaplain Program

Aside from Satanists, there are many other people who are less than enthusiastic about school chaplains. At least one politician argued that if schools allowed chaplains, they open the door to religious rituals performed on school grounds. She asked what might happen if a religious official began sacrificing animals in a school – and whether there would be any constitutional ground to prevent such activities. 

The Universal Life Church Respects Diverse Faith Backgrounds

The Universal Life Church (ULC) respects people from all different faith backgrounds. We encourage everyone to strive to do that which is right and respect diverse points of view. To learn more about the Universal Life Church, do not hesitate to reach out. 

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